Opinion: Biased News Channels Will Not Distract Chief Minister Thackeray

Opinion: Biased News Channels Will Not Distract Chief Minister Thackeray

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Friday September 18, 2020

While appreciation for efforts are heart-warming, a leader takes pride and works harder when his people, his family, express their belief in him or her. The support received shows noise on news channels doesn't matter, true leaders focus only on good governance.

Opinion: Government Has Our Support, But Must Share More Info On China

Opinion: Government Has Our Support, But Must Share More Info On China

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Tuesday July 07, 2020

It is imperative that India treats all these moves by the dragon with the cautiousness it deserves till all their soldiers who have encroached on our land are not just pushed back but are shown that like in 1967, India takes it sovereignity and territorial integrity with all the seriousness that it deserves and any change to that will be dealt with severely.

Opinion: Why We Took Charge Of 80% Of Mumbai’s Private Hospital Beds

Opinion: Why We Took Charge Of 80% Of Mumbai’s Private Hospital Beds

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Monday May 25, 2020

What has been the biggest motivator is the support of the people of the state. It is a challenge we have never faced before but we are determined to face it with all our might and unity, apart from unnecessary criticism of the opposition.

Opinion: Outrage Over Palghar <i>Sadhus’</i> Deaths, None For Those Killed In UP

Opinion: Outrage Over Palghar Sadhus’ Deaths, None For Those Killed In UP

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Wednesday April 29, 2020

In the past one month, in quick succession, India witnessed two heinous incidents of crime and at the receiving end in both cases were Hindu priests. Yesterday, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, reported the murder of two sadhus at a temple. This incident drew parallels to the horrific lynching of three people, two of them priests, at Palghar in Maharashtra a few weeks ago....

Opinion: With Thackeray, Maharashtra’s Crisis Management Is Working 24x7

Opinion: With Thackeray, Maharashtra’s Crisis Management Is Working 24x7

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Tuesday April 07, 2020

Coronavirus is a battle we are determined to win in Maharashtra. While it isn't the time to pat ourselves on the back as the battle still rages, it is important to acknowledge the efforts and steps taken by the state and lakhs of workers involved in this effort.

Opinion: How Maharashtra, Richest State, Plans To Help Revive Economy

Opinion: How Maharashtra, Richest State, Plans To Help Revive Economy

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Wednesday January 08, 2020

As Maharashtra gears up to celebrate its 60th year as a state of India, the message from the Shiv Sena-led Maha Vikas Aghadi is very clear - the agenda will be good and transparent governance for all.

Opinion: BJP Compromises A National Event To Settle Score With Maharashtra

Opinion: BJP Compromises A National Event To Settle Score With Maharashtra

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Friday January 03, 2020

The tradition of the BJP of playing politics over the nation is now the template of every Republic Day. While it displays small-mindedness on the part of the government, it also grossly undermines India's federal structure.

Opinion: Yes, BJP, You’re Correct - We Are An Auto-Rickshaw Alliance

Opinion: Yes, BJP, You’re Correct - We Are An Auto-Rickshaw Alliance

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Wednesday December 25, 2019

"We were to make this country's youth our demographic dividend, the current scenario is leading the country towards a demography divided."

Opinion: Sena Shows BJP Betraying Allies Comes At Huge Cost

Opinion: Sena Shows BJP Betraying Allies Comes At Huge Cost

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Wednesday November 27, 2019

A word of caution to all those who hastily rush to write off the Shiv Sena, inspired by our city's pride - Bollywood - Picture abhi baaki hai kyunki Tiger Zinda Hai!

Blog: I Was Threatened On Twitter With 'Rape Like Nirbhaya'

Blog: I Was Threatened On Twitter With 'Rape Like Nirbhaya'

Priyanka Chaturvedi | Saturday May 21, 2016

Priyanka Chaturvedi, national spokesperson for the Congress party, talks about being threatened on Twitter with 'rape and murder' and how trolling and abuses against women on social media can be curbed with strict laws.

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