Opinion: Modi Must Find Solutions, Fantasy Surveys Won't Do

Opinion: Modi Must Find Solutions, Fantasy Surveys Won't Do

Derek O'Brien | Friday November 25, 2016

The government has to be answerable for all this and the leadership of the government needs to give an explanation for such a situation in parliament.

Opinion: Chaos Over Ban On Rs 500, Rs 1,000 Notes To Continue For Months

Opinion: Chaos Over Ban On Rs 500, Rs 1,000 Notes To Continue For Months

Derek O'Brien | Thursday November 10, 2016

From young working class people, in the informal sector, to retired and aged folk who keep some cash with them - not huge amounts for bankers and tycoons, just a little, but quite a significant sum for the individuals concerned - have suffered. The government may pretend this will be over in a matter of days. My guess is it will take months and the confusion will exte...

Opinion: General Foot-In-Mouth Makes An OROP Suicide Worse

Opinion: General Foot-In-Mouth Makes An OROP Suicide Worse

Derek O'Brien | Friday November 04, 2016

Ram Kishan Grewal's death is not about politics. It is about our inner humanity. And it is about the humanity and humanness I experienced among the plucky and proud people of Bumla.

Opinion: Dear Jaya Bachchan, I Have A Letter For Your Famous Husband

Opinion: Dear Jaya Bachchan, I Have A Letter For Your Famous Husband

Derek O'Brien | Tuesday September 20, 2016

Derek O'Brien's open letter to Amitabh Bachchan's wife Jaya Bachchan, after watching his latest movie 'Pink'.

Opinion: Mother Teresa Ran Multi-National Empire With Iron Grip

Opinion: Mother Teresa Ran Multi-National Empire With Iron Grip

Derek O'Brien | Saturday September 03, 2016

As I write this, it is breakfast time in Rome. The formal canonisation of Mother Teresa, for which we are all here, is on Sunday. This is a day of waiting, of patience and reflection.

Opinion: Ratan Tata's Legacy Tarnished By Supreme Court's Singur Verdict

Opinion: Ratan Tata's Legacy Tarnished By Supreme Court's Singur Verdict

Derek O'Brien | Thursday September 01, 2016

It's not often that a grown man gets goose pimples. I did, today, thanks to the Supreme Court verdict in the Singur land acquisition case. A flood of memories from a full decade ago came rushing back.

Open Letter To Dipa Karmakar From Your Derek <i>Da</i>

Open Letter To Dipa Karmakar From Your Derek Da

Derek O'Brien | Thursday August 25, 2016

You finished fourth in Rio, but your performance was worth its weight in more than gold.

Opinion: Burhan Wani And The Power Of The Internet Misread In Kashmir

Opinion: Burhan Wani And The Power Of The Internet Misread In Kashmir

Derek O'Brien | Friday August 12, 2016

Kashmir and Kashmiris will be persuaded not by guns and hard power - but by the opportunities of India's economy, and by the openness and variety of our society. An openness of which democracy is one manifestation. An openness of which pellet guns can never, never, never be a manifestation.

Opinion: Yes, We Cleared GST. But Should States Trust The Centre?

Opinion: Yes, We Cleared GST. But Should States Trust The Centre?

Derek O'Brien | Tuesday August 09, 2016

All this was a learning experience for me. It validated the important and mature role the Rajya Sabha plays in shaping legislation. Those in the ruling party who had dismissed the Rajya Sabha and said the directly-elected House, the Lok Sabha, should get overriding powers cannot deny today that the Rajya Sabha delayed the bill but also produced a better bill. A bill t...

Opinion: Delhi's So-Called National Media And Its Irrelevant Obsessions

Opinion: Delhi's So-Called National Media And Its Irrelevant Obsessions

Derek O'Brien | Friday July 29, 2016

Who the hell is interested, in this country of a billion people, if a couple of senior journalists have a personality clash or even an argument on principles? It can form the subject of a panel discussion at the Press Club, but how is it prime-time news? The messenger cannot become the message.

Opinion: Mayawati Asked Me To Show Her The Video. I Couldn't.

Opinion: Mayawati Asked Me To Show Her The Video. I Couldn't.

Derek O'Brien | Friday July 22, 2016

In parliament lobby, I received the disgusting video on WhatsApp, writes Derek O'Brien

Opinion: This Parliament Session: A Cooler Smriti, A Sachin That Speaks?

Opinion: This Parliament Session: A Cooler Smriti, A Sachin That Speaks?

Derek O'Brien | Monday July 18, 2016

By all accounts, she comes to this session a notch down, having lost a high-profile portfolio (being switched from HRD to Textiles) and being dropped from the Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs. Will we see a tepid, quieter Smriti Irani this time?

Opinion: Government Has Our Support On GST, War On FDI

Opinion: Government Has Our Support On GST, War On FDI

Derek O'Brien | Sunday July 10, 2016

While we will support the move towards GST, in the coming session, we are equally vehemently going to announce our opposition to the new FDI limits announced by the government in a slew of sectors.

Opinion: Congress, Stop This Hypocrisy Over GST And Help Clear It

Opinion: Congress, Stop This Hypocrisy Over GST And Help Clear It

Derek O'Brien | Thursday June 23, 2016

Unfortunately, before 2014, it was the BJP that jeopardised the GST Bill by raising many objections and not working towards a solution. Now the Congress is paying back the BJP by raising bizarre points about the GST legislation, some of which it had not raised even while it was in government.

Opinion: UCLA Shooter Mainak Sarkar Deserves A Film. Here's Why.

Opinion: UCLA Shooter Mainak Sarkar Deserves A Film. Here's Why.

Derek O'Brien | Monday June 06, 2016

An old student comes back to his alma mater and murders his PhD guide, shortly after killing his former wife. Can it get more bizarre?

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