This Article is From Jan 05, 2021

Weight Loss: How To Use Coriander, Cumin And Fenugreek To Shed Extra Kilos

Spices Benefits For Weight Loss: Here's how these spices may encourage healthy and sustainable weight loss.

Weight Loss: How To Use Coriander, Cumin And Fenugreek To Shed Extra Kilos

Include lots of spices in your daiy diet.

We often not give our spices the due they deserve. Beyond making your palate richer and more flavourful, some of these spices are a treasure trove of health, skin and beauty benefits. Ayurveda, has used a lot of these spices to make a variety of healing concoctions since time immemorial. Moreover, these spices are packed with compounds that may help promote your weight loss journey significantly. Three such spices that are known to do wonders for your protruding belly are: coriander, cumin and fenugreek.  

Here's how these spices may encourage healthy weight loss. 

1. Coriander

Coriander is enriched with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They are also helpful in regulating cholesterol, stimulating appetite and improving digestion. Consuming coriander helps stimulate digestive enzymes and juices, which help enhance digestive system. A good digestion is very crucial for metabolism. If all the food you eat is not eliminated properly, it may take a toll in your metabolism and may induce weight gain. You can soak coriander seeds in water and consume it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

(Also Read: Barley Water For Weight Loss: How Does Jau Help You Lose Weight?)

Weight Loss: Coriander is enriched with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

2. Cumin

The earthy spice is very effective in boosting digestion. The book 'Healing Foods', by DK Publishing House, notes "Cumin helps fortify digestive tract, relieving nausea, bloating and constipation." Thymol, the active compound present in cumin, helps stimulate enzymes that facilitate better secretion of digestive juices. A good digestion promotes better metabolism. Some studies have said that cumin water mixed with a bit of lime could rev up metabolism naturally. A glass of cumin water is also an excellent low-cal beverage you can add to your diet. A teaspoon of cumin seeds has about seven calories. Take a glass of water, add a teaspoon of cumin to it and mix well. This detox beverage may help flush out toxins from your body and encourage sustainable weight loss.

(Also Read: 7 Benefits of Cumin ( Zeera) You Must Know)


Weight loss: The earthy spice is very effective in boosting digestion

3. Fenugreek

According to Bangalore-based nutritionist, Dr. Anju Sood, these bitter seeds can do wonders for weight loss, diabetes management and liver health. Best way to consume them is through methi water. As per Delhi-based nutritionist, Dr. Anshul Jaibharat, soaking methi seeds in water over night and consuming methi water next morning may help boost metabolism and digestion. Fenugreek seeds also help cut down water-retention and bloating. Since methi seeds are hot in nature, it is advised not to take more than a teaspoon per cup of hot water. 

(Also Read: How To Sprout Methi Seeds I Benefits Of Sprouted Methi For Diabetes)


Weight loss: Fenugreek seeds can stimulate production of insulin

Including these spices in your daily diet may help cut belly fat naturally.  But, make sure you consult an expert before making any major alteration to your diet.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
