Ananya Panday, who opened her Instagram profile to her fans around the time her Bollywood debut was announced, recently talked about her Instagram activities in an interview with Elle India. The actress-in-the-making said she hasn't really interacted with her fans in her Instagram posts and that's only going to happen after her Bollywood break: "I've not really spoken on Instagram so far, which I'm going to start doing once my film comes out. I didn't want to overexpose myself before that because I'm waiting for people to see it. Once it hits theatres, I'm not holding back at all." Ananya Panday features on the cover of Elle India's April issue.
Ananya Panday will make her Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year 2, which releases in May. And here's how her Instagram will change after her foray into the world of showbiz: "I am just going to be talking to my followers about oh, I did this today, or I felt that, so people get to know me more as a person. It's great that I have these followers but now I want them to go watch my movie," she told Elle India.
Here's how she made April look stylish:
Ananya Panday co-stars with Tara Sutaria and Tiger Shroff in Punit Malhotra-directed Student Of The Year 2. On Tuesday, she shared a throwback post remembering the first day of shoot: "Leaning on each other for a year now. 9th April 2018 - our first day of shoot! Every day since then has been nothing less than magical," she wrote.
Ananya Panday is the daughter of Chunky Panday and Bhavana Panday. She made her TV debut as well as Koffee With Karan debut in an episode of Karan Johar's show this year.
Student Of The Year 2 is all set to hit screens on May 10.