Shriya Saran, who wrapped a schedule of Drishyam 2 recently, shared a few pictures from the sets of the film on social media. The picture also features the film's lead actors Ajay Devgn and Tabu along with Shriya Saran, Rajat Kapoor and the rest of the film's crew. Thanking her husband Andrei Koscheev for the flowers he sent, Shriya Saran wrote: "Thank you Andrei Koscheev for beautiful flowers." She added, "Thank you for the best crew ever. Abhishek Pathakk you are ammmaaaazzziiingggg director . So happy to have worked with you. Tabu, you are gorgeous and beautiful inside out. Absolutely love you. Ajay Devgn thank you for being a fantastic actor. Pleasure working with you again. Drishyam 2, Nandani shoot over for me and I miss her."
See Shriya Saran's post here:
Earlier this week, Ajay Devgn announced the release date of the film on social media. It is slated to release on November 18 in theatres. "Attention! Drishyam 2 releasing in theatres on 18th November 2022," wrote Ajay Devgn.
Shriya Saran is best-known for her performances in Ajay Devgn's 2015 film Drishyam. She made her Bollywood debut with the 2003 film Tujhe Meri Kasam and she has featured in Bollywood films like Ek: The Power of One, Shukriya: Till Death Do Us Apart, Awarapan and Mission Istanbul among others.
She has also starred in Tamil and Telugu films, including Sivaji: The Boss, starring Rajinikanth. She was also seen in the Telugu film Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu and Sandakari. Shriya's forthcoming projects include Tamil films Naragasooran and Bollywood film Tadka.