This Article is From Apr 19, 2013

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh deeply disturbed over five-year-old girl's rape in Delhi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has expressed his shock over a five-year-old girl's brutal rape in the capital. A statement released by the Prime Minister's Office says that the PM is deeply disturbed by the incident.

Here is the full statement issued by the PMO:

PM deeply disturbed by shameful rape of child, says police action against protesters unacceptable

The Prime Minister has been deeply disturbed to hear news of the shameful incident in which a 5 year-old child in Delhi was sexually abused and is now fighting for her life in hospital.

The Prime Minister has also seen news visuals of the completely unacceptable treatment meted out by police officers to some women protesting against this incident. He has spoken to the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi in this regard and has conveyed to him the need for the strictest possible action to be taken against the erring officials, as also for appropriate medical care being provided to the young victim of the sexual assault.

The Prime Minister has once again reiterated the need for society to look deep within and work to root out the evil of rape and other such crimes from our midst.