Book Review |<i> Invaders and Infidels</i>: A Sharp Exploration Of A Turbulent Era

Book Review | Invaders and Infidels: A Sharp Exploration Of A Turbulent Era

Rajiv Tuli, Prashant Bharthwal | Monday June 03, 2024

From the initial Arab forays into Sindh to the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate, the author guides readers through the intricate tapestry of events, personalities, and ideologies that collided and merged during this tumultuous period.

Opinion: How Pakistan Election Commission Has Become A Facade For The Deep State

Opinion: How Pakistan Election Commission Has Become A Facade For The Deep State

Rajiv Tuli | Thursday February 08, 2024

Elections were held in Pakistan today. The prerequisite of free and fair elections in Pakistan lies with the institutions that have the onus to uphold democracy as per the people's mandate.

Opinion: India Needs To Evolve Beyond IAS

Opinion: India Needs To Evolve Beyond IAS

Rajiv Tuli | Saturday December 16, 2023

Most historians of Modern India accept that the British wielded influence not just through military might, but by leveraging the ICS' potency and penetration to perpetuate their rule over India.

Opinion: Mahatma Gandhi - A Lifelong <I>Sanatani</I>

Opinion: Mahatma Gandhi - A Lifelong Sanatani

Rajiv Tuli | Sunday October 01, 2023

He saw Sanatan Hinduism as a source of inspiration for his life. He was born as a Sanatani Hindu and died as a Sanatani.

Opinion: Sanatan Dharma, Bharat And The Indian Constitution

Opinion: Sanatan Dharma, Bharat And The Indian Constitution

Rajiv Tuli | Friday September 22, 2023

Sanatan is the basic structure and quintessence of the Indian Constitution.

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