Superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Monday mourned the death of legendary Indian spinner Bishan Singh Bedi."Growing up our lives are moulded by the spirit, the gusto and sheer grace of people who we see and experience around us. Mr Bishan Singh Bedi was one of them. May God bless his soul and thank you Sir for teaching us so much about sports and life. You will be missed immensely. RIP," SRK wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter). Regarded as one of the greatest left-arm spinners in world cricket, Bishan Singh Bedi died on Monday at the age of 77 years old, leaving a great legacy behind. The Amritsar-born spinner, who played domestically for Delhi, finished his career with 1,560 wickets in first-class cricket -more than any other Indian.
Growing up our lives are moulded by the spirit, the gusto and sheer grace of people who we see and experience around us. Mr. #BishanSinghBedi was one of them. May God bless his soul & thank u Sir for teaching us so much about sports & life. You will be missed immensely. RIP
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 23, 2023
The legendary spinner had an illustrious domestic cricket career, especially with the Delhi team, in addition to his international career. He was a mentor to several spinners and made substantial contributions to the development of young talent in India. Bedi's impact on the sport extended beyond the ground, as he became a respected commentator and an advocate for sportsmanship and fair play.
He was honoured with the Padma Shri in 1970. Bedi also represented Northamptonshire in English county cricket for many years.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)