Opinion: In Attacking Sidhu, BJP Really Misses The Point - Again

Opinion: In Attacking Sidhu, BJP Really Misses The Point - Again

Ashutosh | Wednesday November 28, 2018

The BJP has a knack for creating a controversy where there is none. The latest example is Navjot Singh Sidhu's visit to Pakistan and his praise of its Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Opinion: Tharoor A Good Hindu, TV Anchors Wrongly Target Him

Opinion: Tharoor A Good Hindu, TV Anchors Wrongly Target Him

Ashutosh | Tuesday October 16, 2018

Why is there such a hullaballoo over Shashi Tharoor's statement? What did he say that has the BJP/RSS so publicly pained? Why are TV channels going bonkers trying to paint Shashi Tharoor anti-Hindu? Did he really say something which is objectionable or is it another post-truth which needs no verification and authentication?

Opinion: With Mayawati, Rahul Gandhi Repeats Karnataka Mistakes

Opinion: With Mayawati, Rahul Gandhi Repeats Karnataka Mistakes

Ashutosh | Wednesday October 03, 2018

Mayawati is mercurial and a maverick. She is temperamental and volatile The Congress has just realised how difficult it can be to get her as a partner. As it became apparent that an alliance between Mayawati and the Congress could be necessary, not just advisable, for the Congress to defeat the BJP in the coming elections in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, she has creat...

Opinion: Rahul Gandhi Mishandling Alliances Will Cost Opposition Heavily

Opinion: Rahul Gandhi Mishandling Alliances Will Cost Opposition Heavily

Ashutosh | Monday September 10, 2018

If the Congress does not gain substantially on its paltry 44 Lok Sabha seats, Rahul could be well on his way to political irrelevance except within the Congress. It's time for him to show the will for battle and nerves of steel.

Opinion: Rahul Gandhi's '84 Riots Remark Will Cost The Congress

Opinion: Rahul Gandhi's '84 Riots Remark Will Cost The Congress

Ashutosh | Sunday August 26, 2018

Rahul Gandhi has to create a new Congress which carries the moral capital and courage to call a spade a spade and accept its mistakes and vow to learn from them.

Opinion: No, Atal-<i>ji</i> Was Not Secular Or "In The Wrong Party"

Opinion: No, Atal-ji Was Not Secular Or "In The Wrong Party"

Ashutosh | Thursday August 16, 2018

Atal-ji for me will remain the quintessential gentleman-politician, a man whose every inch was rooted in Indian-ness. He was the Ajatshatru of Indian politics.

Opinion: Tharoor Is Right In His Comments On Hindu Pakistan

Opinion: Tharoor Is Right In His Comments On Hindu Pakistan

Ashutosh | Thursday July 12, 2018

Yes, the time has to come call a spade a spade. The effort is on to make India a theological state, the Hindu Rashtra. That project was designed in 1925 when the RSS was founded, it can be achieved only by suppressing all kinds of views and ideologies different from theirs, just like what happened in Pakistan and by trampling over the constitution of India. Tharoor, y...

Opinion: AAP's Big Win Today Means It's Out Of Excuses. Time To Deliver

Opinion: AAP's Big Win Today Means It's Out Of Excuses. Time To Deliver

Ashutosh | Wednesday July 04, 2018

Time to now focus on governance. AAP is in charge now.

Opinion: Why BJP Has Gone So Big In Attack On Emergency And Congress

Opinion: Why BJP Has Gone So Big In Attack On Emergency And Congress

Ashutosh | Friday June 29, 2018

Elections 2019 will be fought on the issue of whatModi has done since 2014. Since Modi's delivery list is not encouraging enough, therefore the strategy is to paint the Congress and the Opposition black. Doesn't exactly reek of confidence.

Opinion: Nitish Kumar Finally Gets The Upper Hand In Dealing With Modi

Opinion: Nitish Kumar Finally Gets The Upper Hand In Dealing With Modi

Ashutosh | Monday June 25, 2018

Let me ask a simple question: can anyone blackmail Modi, the most powerful Prime Minister in the last three decades? Who is ruthless and full of vengeance? The question is intriguing. But there is no mystery as such. Nitish Kumar is the answer.

Opinion: Thank You, Modi-<i>Ji</i>, For Uniting The Opposition

Opinion: Thank You, Modi-Ji, For Uniting The Opposition

Ashutosh | Sunday June 17, 2018

Narendra Modi has done the unthinkable: he has helped unite opposition parties. Last night, the latest reflection of this unity was seen when four Chief Ministers visited Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence to show their solidarity with his nearly week-long sit/in.

Opinion: Pranab <i>Da</i>'s Master-Class In Outwitting RSS

Opinion: Pranab Da's Master-Class In Outwitting RSS

Ashutosh | Thursday June 07, 2018

It is the controversy of this year - or thus far, anyway. The former president of India, Pranab Mukherjee, traveling to Nagpur has greatly embarrassed the Congress party to which he belonged for almost 50 years. Intellectuals of the liberal left section were also in turmoil. But Pranab Da with his speech not only raised his stature but also taught all of India ...

Opinion: WhatsApp Messages Show Opposition Unity Being Taken Seriously

Opinion: WhatsApp Messages Show Opposition Unity Being Taken Seriously

Ashutosh | Wednesday May 23, 2018

The opposition has just shown a semblance of unity at the swearing in ceremony of H D Kumaraswamy. It has miles to go before it crystallises into some kind of a formal structure. But Hindutva supporters are already jittery. Their reaction on social media is unprintable. They are bitter, angry and resorting to all kinds of abuses.

Opinion: In Karnataka, Congress Beats Modi-Shah At Their Own Game

Opinion: In Karnataka, Congress Beats Modi-Shah At Their Own Game

Ashutosh | Saturday May 19, 2018

The debate now shifts to how Modi can be defeated. He can be outplayed at his own game. An earlier version of this was the BJP defeat in Gujarat when it tried to defeat Ahmed Patel in his re-election to the Rajya Sabha.

Opinion: Deve Gowda Now Has The Congress Exactly Where He Wanted It

Opinion: Deve Gowda Now Has The Congress Exactly Where He Wanted It

Ashutosh | Tuesday May 15, 2018

By 3 pm, the Congress announced that it would extend support to the JD(S) to form the government. However, at the larger level, the Congress has lost an election which it should have won. And to my mind, the real winner in these elections is H D Deve Gowda.

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