This Article is From Aug 07, 2014

Hold That Tongue: 10 Things Men and Women Just Shouldn't Say to Each Other

Hold That Tongue: 10 Things Men and Women Just Shouldn't Say to Each Other

Courtesy: Alpino India

Can't live without them and very often (read when fighting) can't live with them either.

With love comes war sometimes - especially when there's a classic case of he said-she said. So we've come up a list of things men and women should just not say to each other. We've also found these videos that might help.

So, take a look below and stir clear of these risky statements/questions to live a long and happy life together.

Things Men Say:

1.I think you've gained weight

2.You want to know how my mother/sister does this/that...

3.I'll call you later (When they don't intend to)

4.I forgot (standard reply to everything)

5.Are you going to eat/ wear that?

Men, watch and learn:

The things woman say:

1.Didn't you watch this match last night?

2.I don't like that friend of yours

3.I'll be ready in 5 minutes

4.What are you thinking now?

5.Why is your phone always busy?

Women, take note:

Credit: All GIFs courtesy