X User Gets Slammed Online For Saying Indian Women Don't Participate In Public Dances

The X user, who according to their bio is a doctor, reshared a video with the caption, "Square dance in Shenzhen".

X User Gets Slammed Online For Saying Indian Women Don't Participate In Public Dances

In the comments section, several users slammed the X user.

A social media user is facing backlash after posting a dance video from China and claiming that Indian women hardly participate in recreational activities that take place in public. The X user, who according to their bio is a doctor, reshared a video with the caption, "Square dance in Shenzhen". In the post, the user wrote, "This is such a bizarre sight for an Indian. You won't see this many women participating in any kind of recreational activity in our public spaces". 

"The square dancing culture in China speaks volumes about safety of women in general and the quality of public spaces in the country," the user, @Wander4_1, added. 

Take a look at the post below:

The post was shared on the microblogging site on Thursday. Since then, it has accumulated more than 309,000 views. In the comments section, several users slammed the doctor. "clown every Indian festival has this ! You guys just want to criticize India for anything," wrote one user. 

"you have never seen or heard about the Garba dances in Navratri festival, the folk dances of native Indian women in each state of India which was happening since along time and also the recent trends of women dancing in public places and even on metro trains for reels," said another. 

"You haven't seen women dance in public in India? And you call yourself an Indian. All those years wasted on you, child," jokingly commented a third user. 

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Some users even shared videos of Navratri celebrations and wrote, "Although there lakhs  of instances I will give you just one. "Navratri" - men and women both dance in the same space in public". 

"Agree on your point, but your example was horrible. Here garbha, dandiya, kolattam, kachvithu etc etc all happen in public spaces with majority women. Use better examples to drive your point about women safety and quality public spaces," said one X user. 

"Speaking just for the sake of it ? DU College students mostly comprising of girls do nukkad nataks, troupe dances in middle of the streets all the time, no one stops them or makes a sensation out of it. There are better things to make headlines about lib," added another. 

"No, it's not a bizarre sight for us. we are used women enjoying in public places. Gudi padva, Ganesh, navratri, shigmo, sankirtane in Karnataka, carnival and so many local festivals across India have women dancing and singing in public.. tell us which rock you are living under?" asked one user. 

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