USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres

Updated: November 01, 2022 15:40 IST

USHA-TATA Power Training Cum Production has partnered to set up solar powered silai training schools and production centres in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The partnership is targeting over 20 USHA centres across 200 villages in the two states.

USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
The use of solar power at the village level, through the silai schools and production centres, not only raises awareness of these environmental-friendly, alternative sources of energy, but also significantly reduces costs for the women running the production centres.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
Millions of people in Indian villages, especially rural women and young girls, have benefited from solar energy. It has powered many day to day activities, from lighting and cooking to farming and other energy requirements.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
The women who have come for the training, are learning new skills, and also being taught how to increase their output. Earlier, there was great uncertainty about being able to fulfil orders on time, with the electricity going frequently. USHA and TATA Power have partnered to train 15 women in 15 days.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
USHA-TATA Power training has helped them think out of the box and helped them move one step closer towards becoming independent entrepreneurs, with higher efficiency in delivering orders placed at the production centre.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
The Mahila Kala Kendra along with USHA plays a pivotal role in executing the silai school's programmes for the welfare of the silai school women.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
Muzaffarpur is one of two locations where the pilot of the partnership between TP Renewable Microgrid and Usha Silai School has been launched. The eventual target is to benefit over 20 usha silai centres across 200 villages in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
USHA and Mahila kala Kendra are paving the way for the development of rural women in Muzaffarpur, to make independent entrepreneurs of them, by helping them open their own production centres and earn a living.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
USHA and Mahila kala Kendra are paving the way for the development of rural women in Muzaffarpur, to make independent entrepreneurs of them, by helping them open their own production centres and earn a living.
USHA-TATA Power Are Empowering Women By Setting Up Solar Power Training And Production Centres
The USHA Silai School initiative is growing the kind of impact it has on rural communities with partnerships like this one, and empowering more and more women in remote rural areas to claim their rightful place in their communities, and in society.

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