This Article is From Aug 28, 2018

Boxing Benefits: Hollywood Celeb Halle Berry Loves Boxing For Its Many Fitness Benefits, Here's Why You Will Love It Too

Hollywood celebrity Halle Berry has been doing boxing for 10 years now! Know the many health benefits of boxing, which is a perfect blend of cardio and weight training.

Boxing Benefits: Hollywood Celeb Halle Berry Loves Boxing For Its Many Fitness Benefits, Here's Why You Will Love It Too

Boxing benefits include reducing stress and improving overall body strength


  • Boxing enhances cardiovascular health
  • It improves hand-eye coordination
  • It improves body composition

As a fitness regime, boxing is lately getting a lot of prominence. It is a sport which requires a lot of athletic prowess like speed, strength, endurance, agility, hand-eye coordination and nerve and power to name a few. Numerous celebrities are incorporating boxing in their fitness regimes including American actress Halle Berry. She recently shared a post on Instagram, where she talks about how boxing is one of the best full body workouts. She writes in her post that boxing sculpts every muscle and burns major calories and fats.

As a fitness regime boxing enables a person with average fitness level to hone athletic skills. Not only does it help in improving overall health, it also helps in achieving a great body shape.



It’s #FitnessFriday and Boxing is name of the game this week!! #Boxing is still considered one of the best full body workouts. You’ll sculpt every muscle and burn major calories and fat. It dramatically decreases stress levels, develops hand-eye coordination and builds confidence and discipline. But most’ll never stop learning. I’ve been boxing for the past 10 years and regularly for the past 3 and I love that I always learn a new way to challenge myself and work new muscles. I challenge you to pick up some boxing gloves and get at it...I promise you’ll have fun, get your heart rate up and sculpt your body at the same time!! Feel free to share your boxing photos with me at #PHITBoxing #Fitness #Wellness #WorkOut

A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) on


Also read: What Will Make You Lose More Weight: Cardio Or Weight Training?

According to Halle, boxing can also help in reducing stress along with facilitating development of hand-eye coordination. It builds confidence and discipline in a person. Being a sport, boxing is something which makes you learn endlessly. Halle proudly mentions in her post that she's been boxing for 10 years regularly and how there is always a new challenge while practicing it. A person can work on new muscles while practicing boxing and achieve different benefits from the same workout.

Also read: These Are The Ultimate Kickboxing Workouts

Here are other health benefits of boxing which you must know:

1. An important benefit of boxing is that it is an activity which reduces stress and even Halle agrees to this. Transition between high intensity bouts of exercise and moderate intensity recovery periods makes boxing an excellent stress buster. After completing a boxing session, it is rare that a person is left with mental strength to think about stressful situations in life.

2. Boxing enhances your cardiovascular health. Boxing is a form of cardio exercise - which is helpful in keeping the heart healthy.

Also read: How Kickboxing Helps To Relieve Stress And Anger

3. Improving hand-eye coordination is an important benefit of boxing. Improved hand-eye coordination is essential for improving a person's gross motor skills.

4. Benefits of boxing include improving overall body strength. Boxing involves punching, jumping and kicking, all of which require tremendous amount of strength.

5. Another boxing benefit is that it improves body composition. The fitness routine is a perfect combination of muscle-building strength training moves and calorie-burning bouts of cardio training. 
