This Article is From Sep 15, 2018

Spinach Juice For Diabetes: How Does The Green Beverage Help Manage Blood Sugar

Fibres take the longest to digest, keeps you satiated for long, not metabolised quickly and cause a surge in blood sugar levels. One such incredible non-starchy and high-fibre food is spinach.

Spinach Juice For Diabetes: How Does The Green Beverage Help Manage Blood Sugar

It has been emphasised often enough that diabetics are supposed to be extra cautious about their diet. Anything that you eat that metabolises quickly is not recommended in a diabetes diet. Sugary foods, refined carbs and trans-fats are not advisable for people with high blood sugar and as they can make your sugar levels surge. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent disorders among the world today. If the experts are to be believed, by the year 2030, diabetes is said to become the seventh biggest killer across globe. Diabetes could be managed through physical activity, diet, and use of oral medications prescribed to lower blood sugar levels too. 

Diabetes Diet

Diabetics must ensure that their food is low in starchy carbs and high on fibres. Fibres take the longest to digest, keeps you satiated for long, not metabolised quickly and cause a surge in blood sugar levels. One such incredible non-starchy and high-fibre food is spinach. You can have them boiled, have them in soups, or sneak them into your sandwiches, the choice is yours! Did you know that home-made spinach juice is also a healthy choice to keep your blood sugar levels in check? 

If you are following a diabetic diet, then you must know that fruit juices are not very advisable to include in your diet, especially the ones you find in markets. These juices are low on fibres and high on added sugar. It is best to consume fruits and vegetables whole and fresh. They are loaded in fibres, which you may lose if you juice them. However, if you are looking for healthy diabetic-friendly juices, there are some bitter fruits and veggies that you can juice, which may prove extremely beneficial in your diabetes diet. 

(Also Read: Fenugreek Water For Diabetes: How To Use Methi Dana To Manage Blood Sugar Levels)


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Here's What Makes Spinach And Ideal Food For Diabetes: 


There are many benefits of spinach that make it an ideal choice in a diabetes diet. 

1. Spinach is non-starchy and has a very low-carbohydrate content. Did you know that one cup of raw spinach contains 1 gram of carbs? It is said that refined carb foods cause your blood glucose levels to rise as they get metabolised quickly. 
2. Spinach is also dubbed as a diabetes superfood by the American Diabetes Association. It is packed with essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It is packed with dietary fibres and also possesses a very low glycaemic index. The glycaemic load of a bowlful of spinach is almost zero, which makes it very useful in lowering blood pressure and support stable blood glucose levels. 
3. Spinach is very low in calories. One cup of raw spinach contains only 7 calories. Diabetics are often advised to keep a check on their weight. According to a latest study, losing just 5-10 percent of your body weight could make your diabetes management very easy. 


Here's How To Make Spinach Juice


Make sure you pick fresh spinach leaves. Wash and clean them well.Take an apple, take out the seeds and cut it into small pieces. Now, take a blender and put in your spinach leaves, apple and some water. You can add a dash of lemon juice to it for taste. Blend the juice in blender, until smooth. Now, place a fine mesh strainer over a container and pour the juice. 

Try including this juice in your diabetes diet; make sure you consult your expert beforehand. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
