Shahid Kapoor's wife Mira Rajput often delights her Instafam with million dollar pictures of her two-year-old daughter Misha and her recent post was no exception. In the Instagram story shared by Mira, Misha appears all dressed up for her Kathak lessons with her dadi Neelima Azim. "Another day of Kathak with dadi," Mira captioned the photo. The little munchkin looked cute as a button in a pink traditional outfit. Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput, who married three years ago in July, welcomed Misha in August 2016 and Zain, their second child was born this September. After his birth, Shahid announced that he and Mira have decided to name their son Zain.
Over the weekend, Shahid Kapoor took some time off his busy shooting schedule and spent quality time with his family. Both Shahid and Mira shared glimpses from their outing on Instagram. Shahid posted a selfie of himself with both Mira and Misha on his Instagram stories, where the trio can be seen pouting. Baby Zain did not feature in any of the pictures shared by the couple.
Take a look at the pictures here:
Mira Rajput officially introduced baby Zain to her fans and followers on Instagram, with an adorable photo of the baby boy and wrote: "Hello, world!". Needless to say, the picture of Shahid and Mira's baby boy went crazy viral.
Last month, Mira had shared a glimpse of baby Zain on her Instagram stories - Misha also made an appearance in the picture.
Shahid Kapoor was last seen in Batti Gul Meter Chalu, which also featured Shraddha Kapoor. The actor is also part of the Hindi remake of Arjun Reddy. He also has the biopic on boxer Dingko Singh in the pipeline.