Celebrities are making the most of Instagram's new 'ask me any question' feature and we spotted actor Sanjay Dutt's daughter Trishala giving straightforward answers without mincing words to her Instafam, who are curious to know about her relationship with the Vaastav actor. A fan asked her how it "feels to be Sanjay Dutt's daughter," to which Trishala replied: "Honestly, it feels normal. He's like any other father. When I'm with him, it feels like I'm with my dad. It doesn't feel any different than wht you probably feel when you are with your father." Answering another fan's query, Trishala revealed that Sanjay Dutt is "actually very funny" and that she admires her father's "sense of humour."
Trishala is Sanjay Dutt's daughter with his first wife Richa Sharma, who died after battling brain tumour in 1996. Trishala was more or less raised by her maternal grandparents in USA, where she currently stays.
When asked if she's more like her mother or father, Trishala said: "My attitude and temper is like my dad. My kindness, gentleness and loving side is from my mom. My giving side and style is from both my parents." She also added that in "certain aspects" she's "badass like her dad."
Trishala Dutt mostly stays and meets her father rarely. She is on excellent terms with Sanjay Dutt's wife Maanyata and their twins Shahraan and Iqra. Trishala and Maanyata often feature in headlines for their nice comments on each other's posts. A fan asked Trishala how it feels living without her parents, to which she said: "It's fine, I guess. I never lived with them to begin with (I did but I was so young I don't remember much) so I can't really answer how it feels living without them."
Trishala recently completed her Masters in Psychology from Hofstra University and it appears from this reply that she's not interested in following into her father's footsteps:
Actor Sanjay Dutt's life was recently adapted on the big screen by director Rajkumar Hirani. The film, featuring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role, performed exceptionally at the box office. However, Sanju, which picked certain chapters from the actor's life, did not mention Trishala or Richa Sharma.