Mira Rajput turned the festival of colours into the festival of love by expressing her love for actor husband Shahid Kapoor in the most romantic way. In case you are wondering what did she do, Mira gave her Holi celebrations a twist by getting the initials of Shahid Kapoor's name written on her neck with gulaal yesterday. She shared a photo on her Instagram profile on Tuesday, in which she can be seen showing off the initials of Shahid's name - "SK" - and a heart symbol painted on her neck. Her white shirt, which she paired with a yellow mini skirt and an oversized sunglasses, can be seen drenched in multiple colours. Sharing the picture, Mira captioned it perfectly: "Love life in technicolour."
Take a look at her post from her Holi celebrations here:
Soon after Mira posted the photo on Instagram, fans flooded her post with comments such as "love bug," "adorable," "awesome" and "that's so cute." One of the users wrote: "This is true love." Mira also shared a picture of her group from the celebrations on her Instagram story. Check it out:
Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor got married in July 2015 and Misha, their first child, was born the following year. Shahid and Mira welcomed their second child Zain in September, 2018.
In one of her previous interactions with her fans on Instagram, Mira Rajput had revealed that she was just 16 when she saw Shahid Kapoor for the first time at a house party of a common friend. Her family and the Kapoors are part of religious group Radha Soami Satsang Beas and through that same group, Shahid and Mira, who are 14 years apart, later reconnected for their wedding.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in Gowtam Tinnanuri's Jersey, in which he will play the role of a cricketer. The film, which is a Hindi remake of the 2019 Telugu movie of the same name, will also star his father Pankaj Kapur and Mrunal Thakur. Jersey is scheduled to release in August this year.