Actress-producer Niharika Konidela, who is all set to marry fiancé Chaitanya JV at Udaipur's Udaivilas Palace tonight, teased her Instafam by sharing pictures before her big day. Posting a picture from her Haldi ceremony on her Instagram story on Wednesday, Niharika captioned it: "Calm before the storm." In the picture, Niharika can be seen chilling on a chair, dressed to perfection in a yellow outfit. She accessorised her look with a pair of sunglasses. Meanwhile, Chaitanya posted a picture of Niharika on his Instagram story, in which she can be seen posing with an outfit, on which the text "My bride" is printed. He wrote in his caption: "Is all set." Later, Niharika share the same picture on her Instagram story.
Check out the pictures here:
Meanwhile, here are some pictures from the pre-wedding ceremonies :
Niharika Konidela is the daughter of actor-producer Nagendra Babu, and the sister of Telugu star Varun Tej. Niharika Konidela is the niece of south cinema superstar Chiranjeevi (brother of Nagendra Babu). Telugu superstar Ram Charan (Chiranjeevi's son), Sai Dharam Tej, Allu Arjun and Allu Sirish are Niharika Konidela's cousins, who flew to A Udaipur a few days ago for the actress' wedding festivities.
Niharika Konidela began her career a television presenter, after which she switched to starring in web-shows, which were produced by her production firm Pink Elephant Pictures. Muddapappu Avakai, Nanna Koochi and Madhouse are the three web-shows she starred in and also produced. She made her debut in films with 2016 movie Oka Manasu. Niharika Konidela was last seen in Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy.