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This Article is From Oct 13, 2023

Turinabol Steroid: Cycles, Dosages, Side effects & Tbol Pills Buying Guide

Unlock the secrets of enhancing your fitness routine with our overview of the Turinabol steroid cycles, dosages, and the before-and-after results + find a trusted source for Tbol pills.

Turinabol Steroid: Cycles, Dosages, Side effects & Tbol Pills Buying Guide

We know the internet is oversaturated with content and finding credible information can be a daunting task. We believe staying well-informed is the key to making the best decisions for your fitness journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get one step closer to your fitness goals.


What is Turinabol?

Turinabol, often referred to as Tbol, is an anabolic steroid often utilized in the realm of sports and fitness. It's an altered form of Dianabol, another well-known steroid, but with one significant distinction is that Turinabol doesn't lead to water retention like seen with other test derivatives. This unique trait makes it a coveted choice for individuals aiming for lean muscle gains without the added water weight bloat.

When you consider its performance-enhancing properties and its capacity to boost lean muscle mass while limiting water retention, it's clear why Turinabol holds an iconic status amongst fitness enthusiasts. But like any other tool in your fitness arsenal, understanding and respecting its power is paramount. So, let's shed more light on Turinabol's makeup and its potential to turbocharge your fitness routine.

Why Tbol is so popular with men and women?

Turinabol's popularity among both men and women can primarily be attributed to its unique properties and the desirable results it offers. One of the most appreciated aspects of Tbol is its capacity to promote lean muscle mass without causing the unwanted side effect of water retention. As a result, it allows individuals to achieve a more toned and defined physique, something that both men and women often strive for in their fitness pursuits.

Another reason why Tbol has gained such widespread acceptance is its relatively mild nature compared to other anabolic steroids. It poses a lower risk of androgenic side effects such as aggression, acne, and hair loss. While this is particularly attractive to women who may be more prone to developing such side effects, it is a welcome feature for men as well who wish to minimize potential risks.

In summary, Turinabol's ability to deliver noticeable results in terms of muscle definition, combined with its more forgiving nature, has helped it win over the hearts of fitness enthusiasts of all genders. The steroid has proven to be an appealing option for those striving for a firmer, sculpted body, while also minimizing potential side effects.

Turinabol's Benefits

Turinabol might be the secret tool you need to maximize your fitness results. A plethora of benefits is associated with this anabolic steroid. These go beyond merely increasing muscle mass and cover a wide range of factors affecting performance and physical appearance. Let's break it down for a more comprehensive understanding.

Performance Enhancement

Turinabol is often taken for the significant boost it gives to overall athletic performance. It increases stamina and strength, enabling longer and more intense training sessions. A user can push their limits in workouts, accomplishing more challenging fitness targets.

Boosts Recovery

Another less recognized yet equally important benefit of Turinabol is its power to speed up recovery. The faster your body recovers post-exercise, the quicker you're ready for your next session. This can lead to improved long-term results, as reduced rest times mean more regular workouts.

Fat loss

While Turinabol isn't directly accountable for fat loss, its use in conjunction with regular exercise can result in a leaner physique. The added muscle mass increases the body's basal metabolic rate, which helps burn fat more effectively, leading to a trimmed and toned appearance.

No Estrogenic effects

Unlike some other steroids, Turinabol doesn't convert to estrogen in the body. This leads to fewer side effects associated with high estrogen levels such as water retention and gynecomastia, making it an attractive choice for many fitness enthusiasts.

Weak Androgen

Turinabol has a relatively weaker androgenic activity compared to other steroids. As such, the side effects related to strong androgens like aggressive behavior, acne, and hair loss are significantly reduced.

Good for women

Due to its mild androgenic nature, Turinabol has become a popular choice among women as well. It minimizes the risks of virilizing effects seen with other stronger steroids, like the development of male characteristics, making it safer for female use.

Is Turinabol Legal?

Turinabol has an intriguing history. Developed in the 1960s in East Germany, it was not created for medical use like most anabolic steroids but was designed as a performance-enhancing drug for athletes.


With powerful results, it quickly turned into a secret weapon in the competitive sports arena. Turinabol played a significant role in the success of East German athletes in various disciplines, but as the truth behind their doping strategies came to light, concerns were raised about an unfair advantage and possible health risks associated with its use.

Despite its proven efficacy, Turinabol has been deemed illegal in the competitive sports world. This ban focuses on maintaining a level playing field for all athletes, as the use of performance-enhancing drugs can result in anomalies in their abilities. It's essential to understand that the effect it provides is more than just a "boost." These steroids can significantly impact the body, amplifying performance to an extent that would be unattainable with just training and determination alone.

Turinabol use in Hollywood - Do Celebrities Buy Turinabol?

While Hollywood tends to bask in the glow of ideal body standards, some famous bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman have candidly talked about steroid use when preparing for shows. Every now and then, we see these celebrities maintaining an enviable level of health and fitness.

This state of sound health among celebs conveys that anabolic steroids, used appropriately, don't inherently inflict harm. As previously noted, these substances also have a role in professional medicine, assisting in treating various health conditions. Nonetheless, even substances with benefits can have negative impacts if not used appropriately.

For a full list of performance enhancing drugs used by celebs:


Turinabol is a substance designed to bring together the best of the regular and celebrity worlds. It's a preferred choice among fitness enthusiasts and is making a name for itself in the circles of Hollywood.

Turinabol Results

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Turinabol's results are promising for those seeking improved physical performance and change in aesthetics. The gains can be slightly different for men and women due to physiological differences. Let's delve into the details of the impressive changes each can expect.

Turinabol Gains in Males

Men who use Turinabol can expect a steady gain in lean muscle mass. During a standard cycle of 6-8 weeks, it's possible to see an increase of 6-10 pounds of lean muscle tissue. This depends, of course, on dosages, diet, workout routines, and individual physiological responses to the steroid. The added perk here is, these gains come without the usual water retention associated with some anabolic steroids.

Turinabol Gains in Females

For women, a clear advantage of Turinabol is the reduced risk of androgenic side effects compared to other oral steroids, while still providing appreciable muscle growth. In a typical 4-6 week cycle, women can expect to gain 4-6 pounds of lean muscle tissue. This, combined with a well-structured exercise program and nutrient-rich diet, can lead to impressive toning and definition. Furthermore, women users often report increased strength and performance, making their workouts more efficient.

Turinabol Dosage

One of the keys to using Turinabol effectively and safely is getting the dosage right. As with any anabolic steroid, the amount will depend on several factors, such as gender and fitness goals. It's critical to note that these recommendations serve as a guideline, as individual tolerances can vary.

For Men

Men typically take Turinabol in higher doses due to their naturally higher levels of testosterone. The common dosage range often falls between 30-100 mg per day. Beginners are usually recommended to stick with a lower dose, around 30-50 mg, while those with more experience with anabolic steroids might push their intake to upper limits of 100mg per day.

For Women

For women, lower doses are required due to their lower natural testosterone levels and higher sensitivity to the androgenic effects of steroids. A typical Turinabol dosage for women may range anywhere from 5-10 mg per day. Even at such low doses, women can see noticeable gains in muscle mass and strength.


 Turinabol Cycles

Planning a Turinabol cycle can be a crucial part of reaching your bodybuilding goals. By understanding the different cycle types, you can customize them to suit your unique needs and objectives. Let's navigate through several cycle options and their specifics.

Men typically run Turinabol in a cycle lasting between 6-8 weeks. This cycle is most effective when aiming for gradual and maintainable muscle gain while simultaneously boosting athletic performance.

For women, Turinabol cycles are usually shorter and require smaller doses due to higher sensitivity to the steroid's effects. An average cycle may last between 4-6 weeks.


Turinabol Stacked with Other Steroids

Turinabol can be stacked with other steroids to further enhance its benefits or target specific goals, such as bulking or cutting. Combining Turinabol with different steroids can significantly elevate its impact on muscle gains and fat loss while also opening up a world of possibilities. Let's explore some popular stacking combinations.

Turinabol Bulking Stacks

Turinabol and Anadrol Cycle

A combination of Turinabol and Anadrol can result in massive strength gains and muscle mass improvements. The Turinabol dose may be set at 20-40mg per day, while Anadrol should be around 50-100 mg depending on individual tolerance. A 6-8 week cycle can be adopted, although monitoring any side effects is crucial along with taking liver support while running two oral compounds.

Tbol Steroid and Dianabol Stack

When Turinabol and Dianabol are combined, they create a powerful bulking stack that results in impressive muscle gains along with a significant increase in strength. Dosage ranges between 20-40mg of Turinabol and 40-50 mg of Dianabol per day for a cycle lasting around 6-8 weeks. Again, liver care is advised for use with this stack.

Turinabol and Anavar Cycle

Another potent stacking choice is Turinabol with Anavar. It's ideal for those looking to bulk up without water retention and excessive side effects. While Turinabol doses usually sit between 20-30 mg per day, Anavar should be kept between 40-50 mg, depending on personal tolerance. This cycle commonly lasts 6-8 weeks. Although liver care may not be needed with this stack, it is advised to up your daily fluids while on cycle.

Turinabol Cutting Stacks

Turinabol and Winstrol Cycle

The combination of Turinabol and Winstrol aims for a lean and defined physique. Turinabol's dose remains in the 30-50 mg range, while Winstrol should be around 25-50 mg per day. This cutting cycle typically lasts for about 6-8 weeks, yielding shredded and well-defined muscles.

Tbol and Anavar Stack

The Turinabol and Anavar stack is also an excellent choice for cutting. The dosage should be set at 20-30 mg of Turinabol and 20-30 mg of Anavar per day, depending on personal experience and preferences. Keep the cycle between 6-8 weeks and prepare to see significant fat loss and muscle definition improvements. A calorie deficit is advised to increase the end results from this cycle stack.

Turinabol and Superdrol Cycle

Stacking Turinabol with oral Masteron can provide exceptional results in terms of cutting and muscle hardness. Turinabol's dosage sits at 30-40 mg per day, while Masteron should be administered at 20-30mg daily. Adopt a 6-8 week cycle for a lean and firm appearance but also ensure liver care is adopted with heightened fluids to keep the liver healthy on cycle.

Turinabol PCT

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is an essential part of any steroid cycle,, including Turinabol. Its main purpose is to help your body recover and restore its natural hormonal balance after the cycle concludes. The focus of PCT often lies in reviving natural testosterone production while clearing out any augmented hormone levels remaining in the system. Let's dive into two of the most common PCT substances used after a Turinabol cycle.


Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) aids in reviving natural testosterone production and mitigating estrogenic side effects. After a Turinabol cycle, it's usually taken for a period of 3-4 weeks. Initial doses start relatively higher for the first couple of weeks at 50mg per day, and then are lowered to 25mg daily for the remaining week, or weeks to allow a smoother transition back to natural hormonal balance.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

HCG is often used to prevent testicular shrinkage and to normalize the body's testosterone production. Users may administer three injections per week, each containing 1,000-1,500IU of HCG. It is typically used for 2-3 weeks within the post cycle therapy phase after the Turinabol cycle, but this is only often adopted when a Test base is used, as for Tbol solo, no hCG will be required for general short and sharp cycles.

Real Turinabol Pills vs Fake "Legal Alternatives"

A common misleading sales tactic used by "legal alternative" manufacturers is to borrow the names of popular steroids for their products. They often push the illusion of a 'safe substitute', and warn potential consumers about the damage from substances like steroids.

These companies then portray their products as having equal effectiveness as legit steroids for sale. In reality, however, customers may wind up with little to no results, wasting both time and money. More serious cases may involve severe side effects, which these 'safe substitute' sellers conveniently fail to mention.

Genuine Turinabol has a unique composition, potency and purity that is known worldwide. Users taking it know exactly what they are putting into their bodies and can almost predict the specific results they will receive from a cycle.

However, when it comes to the newly formulated composition of fake alternatives, you can't be completely sure what you're taking or the possible outcomes.

Turinabol substitutes may contain ingredients like zinc, magnesium, cinnamon bark, cat's claw bark, ashwagandha root, and fennel seed. Not all of these are well known substances and so not all their effects have been studied over many years. Plus, most alternative supplement suppliers won't even make the possible risks clearly visible to their potential customers.

This is how they trick people into thinking their products are safe, pretending like there are zero side effects you need to worry about. But that's not true...

In this case, we've done the research, so you don't have to.

Magnesium sides: stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other side effects. Large doses above 350mg per day can cause an irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, confusion, slowed breathing, coma, and death.

Zinc sides: high doses of above 40mg per day is likely unsafe and might cause stomach pain, vomiting, and many other problems.

Ashwagandha sides: drowsiness, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, liver injury.

Cat's claw bark sides: nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea.

Fennel seed sides: stomach upset and seizures.

Cinnamon bark sides: irritation and allergies, toxicity, lower blood sugar.

(All references can be found below this article)

If you have been led towards buying a "legal substitute" over genuine steroids, we strongly suggest doing your research. A straightforward Google search, such as "product name Reddit", could give you feedback of hundreds of dissatisfied customers complaining about lost funds, time, and motivation due to these deceitful supplements.

Buying supplements from places like Amazon doesn't guarantee their legitimacy either. Roughly 90% of these are produced by companies that lack the necessary credentials to even make these supplements. And it's crucial to realize that none of them have FDA approval.

The Best Real Turinabol Brands and Prices

Finding high-quality, genuine Turinabol from a reputable brand can be a significant factor in determining the success of your cycle. Selecting the right brand ensures that you're getting the true product you paid for, without harmful fillers or dangerous counterfeits. Here, we will examine two of the best and most reliable brands of Turinabol on the market: Alpha Pharma and Magnum Pharmaceuticals.

Turinabol 10 by Alpha Pharma

Priced at $62.70 for 50 pills, Alpha Pharma's Turinabol 10mg is a popular choice for bodybuilders and athletes. It's trusted due to the company's commitment to rigorous testing and pharmaceutical-grade precision in crafting their products. When it comes to dosage, the range follows the standard Turinabol bodybuilding dosage. Reliability is assured by Alpha Pharma's growing worldwide presence and commitment to providing high-quality, genuine products.

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Turnibol 10 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Turnibol 10 by Magnum Pharmaceuticals is another high-quality Turinabol product, retailing at $48.40 for 50 pills of 10mg. Like Alpha Pharma, Magnum Pharmaceuticals is a well-respected company in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. The company is committed to providing high-quality, genuine products and proudly maintains transparency about their manufacturing processes. Magnum's Turnibol 10 shares the same dosage guidelines as the previously mentioned Turinabol 10 by Alpha Pharma. Magnum Pharmaceuticals' established reputation for delivering authentic and effective bodybuilding steroids makes them a trustworthy option.

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Turinabol Reviews

Here are five reviews, each providing a unique perspective on the application and results of both Alpha Pharma and Magnum Pharmaceuticals' Turinabol.

Alex Jones - Beginner Male Bodybuilder

"I started using Turinabol from Alpha Pharma about four weeks ago. As a beginner, I was looking for something to complement my workout regimen and diet to achieve a more defined physique. So within the first month, I managed to pack on about 6lbs of lean muscle and increased my bench press max by nearly 20%. The results are impressive, and I'm looking forward to seeing further progress in the upcoming weeks."

Michael Smith - Intermediate Male Bodybuilder

"As a regular bodybuilder who's tried a couple of brands for Turinabol. The one that stood out for me was the Magnum Turnibol 10. Within a 10-week cycle, I saw a hefty gain of 15.4lbs of muscle mass and a significant decrease in body fat by 4%. The strength gains were also consistent throughout the cycle, lending an overall improvement to my workouts. Don't often run solo orals but unless it's with Tbol for that extra polish pre-prep stage!"

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Jake Thompson - Pro Male Bodybuilder

"In my many years of doping, I've tried many oral anabolics but the alpha tbol hit the spot while on a cruise. When I ran a taper dose over 8 weeks, I gained 11.7lbs but clean and also a decrease in BF of 5% The added strength undoubtedly enhanced my training, making every gym session more productive which is rare when on a cruise. Deffo hits the spot and much more manageable than Var or Dbol"

Sarah Rizley - Beginner Female Bodybuilder

"As a female newcome, I was skeptical about starting my Turinabol cycle due to so many fakes about. I went for the Magnum Tbol 10s and to my surprise, I gained about 4 lbs of lean muscle in the first 4 weeks alone. I'm now halfway through my planned 8-week cycle and have experienced steady increases in strength without any significant side effects. Although this is not mainly for female use, for me it has done wonders with no sides! Highly rated for use girlies muscle tone and endurance."

Mia Fornate - Pro Female Bodybuilder

"I've had my fair share of experiences with anabolic steroids, but Turinabol by alpha pharma definitely impressed me over the last bunk stuff I was running. After a 12-week cycle (with some liv.52) I threw on around 9 pounds of clean mass and gained some good defection and vascularity. Usually I do not mess about with the weaker compounds, but running this at 60 daily definitely gave me the anabolic kick I was after. Great brand and great compound!"

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How and where to purchase Turinabol and get real products?

The internet has made buying products like Turinabol much more accessible and convenient. Many legitimate sellers offer high-quality, genuine Turinabol online, making it possible to browse and compare brands right from your home.

Step 1: Turinabol Sources and Seller Research

Identifying high-grade sources of these products, given you're going to put them into your body, can be particularly daunting.

If you want the opportunity to confirm the product's quality before you buy it, here are a few ways you can do that.

One could be through a medical prescription. However, getting this for non-medical purposes is unlikely.

Joining a sports team is another option where performance enhancers could be offered on a regular basis. But bear in mind, this isn't a quick path.

A conversation with your gym trainer could potentially lead you to a source. But most trainers are hesitant to share such information openly.

A more adventurous approach could involve traveling to countries where Turinabol is legally sold over the counter. However, don't forget to consider the added cost of travel.

Bulk purchasing raw materials for making Turinabol at home is another route, albeit not without its clear hazards.

Step 2: Understand the Real Risks When Buying Turinabol Online

If your goal is to purchase Turinabol, one of the last resorts might be to get it online. But it's crucial to be aware that this method comes with its own set of hazards.

One risk is the chance of buying a product that's out of date. In this case, your Turinabol would be beyond its safe-use date.

There's also the potential of receiving a product with a low dose. The concentration of the active ingredient could be far less than what was promised, leading to lower potency.

Counterfeit products are another hazard. What you believed to be Turinabol could, in reality, turn out to be a sham substance or even a mere placebo.

Similarly, there are counterfeits of well-known brands. These are often created by individuals who put reputable brand labels on their packaging.

There's the risk of unsanitary products made by underground labs as well. These are generally created by individuals who purchase powder or injections in bulk and make them in their home garages or basements.

Another risk is in the form of so-called "safe alternatives". You might end up with a legal variant of Turinabol that claims to be just as effective but doesn't work the same.

Delivery issues pose another set of hazards. There's a chance you might only receive part of your order, or none at all.

There's the threat of damage to the product during transit. If bad packaging is used, Turinabol pills may be crushed or receive water damage, which makes them difficult to take or even reduces effectiveness.

When payments are made via Western Union, MoneyGram, or Bitcoin, you have no real influence over the seller's actions after any of these inconveniences.

Step 3: Know How to Spot a Trusted Turinabol Supplier

When you're in the market for Turinabol it's essential to know how to spot a reliable supplier. Here's a guide on what to look out for.

Payment Methods

It's recommended to opt for sellers that accept credit card payments. This can protect you in cases of poor quality, non-delivery, or damaged goods, as you can request your bank to reverse the charges.

Authenticity of the Supplier

Check if they are a legitimate supplier, and whether their products come with an authenticity code. This code can be used for verification by checking on the brand's official website.

Stock Availability

Ensure that the products displayed by the seller are available in their inventory. Be cautious about fraudsters who take images from legitimate sellers pretending to have the products. Asking for an unboxing video of the item you're interested in can help verify their claims.

Shipment Timeframes

Some sellers might not keep products in stock, but instead order from a recognized supplier after receiving your payment. In this case, the delivery might be extended to around 30 days.

Shipment Methods

It is suggested to make sure your seller provides you with a tracking code so you can follow the progress of your shipment.


Reputable suppliers usually strive for customer satisfaction by handling all customer complaints favorably. Sellers who offer 100% satisfaction guarantees with refunds via trusted payment methods are more likely to be reliable.

Seller Reviews

Always make sure to check out seller reviews for additional assurance. You can search the website's name on Google (for instance, "Monstersteroids reviews") to see previous customers' experiences.

Support and Consultation Services

Since Turinabol requires specialized knowledge for its safe use, some sellers now provide free consultations and personalized cycles based on your gender, age, goals, and experience. Find out if they offer this advice through WhatsApp or a support ticket.

Checklist: 10 Characteristics of a Trustworthy Turinabol Supplier

When looking for a reliable Turinabol supplier, keep these ten characteristics in mind to ensure a smooth and secure purchasing experience.

1. Safe Credit Card Payment

2. Discounts and Bonuses

3. Complimentary Consultations

4. 24/7 Customer Support

5. Trackable Delivery

6. Refund Guarantee

7. Reshipping Assurance

8. Round-the-Clock Availability

9. Access to Uncommon Products

10. Confidential Worldwide Delivery

Turinabol Steroid Guide - Summary

We trust this guide has given you the essential knowledge for purchasing Turinabol online and using it both safely and effectively. Following our suggestions will give you more confidence to navigate the steroid market. Don't forget to save a link to this page - you'll be grateful in the future.

As revealed our top recommendation for sourcing genuine, pharmaceutical-grade Turinabol is This reliable platform allows you to order Turinabol and a wide variety of other steroids with shipping in the USA and internationally.

Want to make a purchase at Take advantage of our exclusive 10% discount coupon - MONSTER10 - applicable to any brand of authentic, pharma-grade Turinabol from their website.

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Discover our guide about Dianabol for sale tailored for those seeking authentic and verified steroids.

Tbol FAQs

What does Turinabol do for you?

Turinabol enhances your body's ability to build and retain lean muscle mass. It also boosts strength and endurance, contributing to improved athletic performance.

Can I take Turinabol alone?

Yes, you can take Turinabol alone in a cycle known as a 'solo cycle'. Turinabol is a versatile steroid and can provide results even when used alone.

Do you need PCT after Turinabol?

Yes, you should carry out post cycle therapy after finishing any Turinabol cycle. PCT helps restore your body's natural hormone balance, specifically testosterone production, which can be suppressed during a cycle.

Is Turinabol for bulking or cutting?

Turinabol can be used for both purposes. However, its unique effects of promoting lean muscle growth without water retention makes it especially favored for cutting cycles where the aim is to maintain muscle while losing body fat.

Does Turinabol make you stronger?

Yes, a significant benefit of Turinabol use is an increase in strength. Users often report enhanced workout capacity and better athletic performance.

Does Turinabol shut down testosterone?

Yes, like many anabolic steroids, Turinabol can suppress natural testosterone production. This is why it's crucial to do PCT to restore endogenous testosterone production after finishing a cycle.

Is it safe to take Turinabol pills?

If used responsibly and within recommended dosages, Turinabol use is generally safe. However, it's essential to monitor your body's response throughout the cycle for any potential side effects.

How long does it take for Turinabol pills to work?

Turinabol's effects can start becoming apparent within the first 1-2 weeks of a cycle. For notable muscle gain and strength improvement, it may take a few weeks more.

How long should I stay on Turinabol pills?

Typically, Turinabol cycles last between 4-6 weeks. It is vital not to exceed this duration due to the increased risk of liver toxicity and other potential side effects.

How long does Turinabol stay in your system?

Turinabol can be detectable in your system for approximately 12 months, depending on the user's metabolism, duration of use, and dosage.

How Effective is Turinabol vs Other Steroids?

If we compare the anabolic-androgenic effects of Turinabol to other steroids, it has moderate anabolic effects (54% of testosterone) and weak androgenic effects (6% of testosterone), making it a mild steroid in comparison.

Turinabol vs Anavar?

Both Turinabol and Anavar are versatile steroids that can be used for cutting and bulking cycles. They are appealing to bodybuilders due to their inability to aromatize, essentially preventing water retention and gynecomastia. However, there are noticeable differences between the two compounds.

Anavar has much higher anabolic (320-630% of testosterone) and slightly higher androgenic effects (24% of testosterone.)

Dianabol vs Turinabol?

Dianabol and Turinabol are both derived from the testosterone molecule and share chemical similarities, but their effects and purposes can differ significantly.

Dianabol has higher anabolic (90-210% of testosterone) and higher androgenic effects (40-60% of testosterone.)


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Medicinal Use of Testosterone and Related Steroids Revisited - PMC:,strength%20and%20mass%20%5B40%5D.

Magnesium Side Effects

Zinc Side Effects

Ashwagandha Side Effects

Cat's Claw Side Effects

Fennel Seed Side Effects

Cinnamon Side Effects

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.
