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This Article is From Apr 28, 2023

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Review - Boost Your Weight Loss With PhenQ Meal Replacement Shake!

PhenQ can help burn fat, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. A weight loss supplement called PhenQ Complete Meal Shake gives you all the nutrition you need for a full meal.

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Review - Boost Your Weight Loss With PhenQ Meal Replacement Shake!

PhenQ is a weight loss supplement that suggests helping consumers burn fat, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. It's made with natural ingredients and is free from harmful additives, making it a safe option for those looking to lose weight. In addition, with its unique blend of ingredients, PhenQ may be a helpful addition to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

It is a meal replacement for quick and specific weight loss, but it doesn't resemble any of the alternatives you have used before. Instead, a weight loss supplement called PhenQ Complete Meal Shake gives you all the nutrition you need for a full meal. It guarantees to reduce your appetite, provide you with more energy, and aid with weight loss.

Moreover, it might assist in controlling your blood sugar. The shake, which comes in flavors including Vanilla ice cream, Strawberry & cream, and Chocolate Brownie, is rumored to be delectable. The PhenQ Complete meal shake is suitable for vegans and contains digestive enzymes that help your gut health and speed up weight loss.

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Why PhenQ Meal Complete Shake?

PhenQ Meal Complete Shake is “loaded” with 24 essential vitamins and nutrients for the body (all-natural, plant-based, keto-friendly, high-quality components) that help with weight loss and the overall health and efficient operation of the body.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Those who adhere to diet regimens frequently experience ill health as a result of inadequate nourishment. However, with PhenQ Complete Meal Shake now available, harmful diets seem to be a thing of the past.

At this point, it's important to clarify that the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is not a nutritional supplement (i.e., a product intended to be used in addition to a person's typical meal) but rather a meal replacement (i.e., something that is ingested in place of a person's typical meal).

The first reason is that it offers fewer calories, followed by a high ability to burn fat (caused by an elevated metabolic function) and a powerful hunger suppressant.


-The PhenQ Complete Meal Shake might reduce appetite for food.

-This product can decrease the body's stress levels.

-Your energy levels may be increased with PhenQ Complete Meal Shake.

- It contains several valuable nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

-This meal substitute may improve muscle strength.

- Includes a 60-day money-back warranty.

- Free shipping everywhere.


-Customers taking this product will lose weight at different rates.

-You have to follow a healthy diet while using this product to lose weight.

-Serving sizes are more appropriate for women (180kcal) because men most likely need more than that.

-It could be expensive (starting from $2.56 per meal).

The primary ingredients in PhenQ Complete Meal Shake are listed below


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

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  • Coconut Oil MCT Powder
  • Pea Protein
  • Linseed Flour
  • Brown Rice Protein
  • Hemp Protein
  • KSM— 66 Ashwagandha®
  • Sucralose (Sweetener)
  • Innoslim® ([Panax notoginseng Extract (root) and Astragalus membranaceus Extract (root)]
  • Reishi Mushroom Extract

But, given that we mentioned vitamins (there are 24 in all) and a wealth of essential nutrients, the following lists all the beneficial components of the meal that PhenQ provided for us in the shape of a delectable shake:

  • Potassium Chloride
  • Magnesium Phosphate
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • di-Calcium Phosphate anhydrous
  • Maltodextrin
  • Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
  • Ferrous Fumarate
  • DL-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate Powder Preparation
  • Zinc Aspartate
  • Nicotinic Acid
  • Potassium Iodide Preparation
  • Retinol Acetate Preparation
  • Manganese Citrate
  • Calcium D-Pantothenate
  • Di-Biotin Preparation
  • Copper Sulphate
  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) Preparation
  • Vita-algae D® Vegan Vitamin D3 Preparation
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Folic Acid, Sodium Selenite Anhydrous)
  • Reduced Fat Cocoa Powder
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Choline Bitartrate
  • Flavoring

The following are the key ingredients

● Powdered coconut oil MCT (13 g)

According to studies, coconut oil includes many healthy fats associated with overall health and losing body fat, especially stubborn belly fat. But this oil does more than just promote rapid fat loss.

There are numerous more health advantages, including lowering cholesterol levels, improving metabolic function, raising levels of energy that are readily available, and suppressing hunger levels to control junk food cravings and avoid obesity effectively.

Increasing muscle strength and helping the body regain lean muscle mass, as well as preserving the health of the skin, hair, and nails and acting as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent.

● Pea Protein (12 g)

When someone says “protein,” meat, poultry, eggs, or dairy items immediately come to mind. Yet, the vegan protein that is now sold in various forms is not far behind in terms of nutritional value.

A brand-new and extremely modern variation of these plant-based nutritious supplements is PhenQ Meal Shake. It uses pea protein (peas) as a source of protein, and for very good reasons.

Pea protein, made from yellow peas, is a good food option for anyone who exercises, especially those following a vegetarian diet. As the body slowly absorbs Pea protein, it promotes a more satisfied feeling of fullness for a considerable amount of time.

High in arginine, it greatly aids in burning extra fat while encouraging the development of lean muscle mass. Improves the organism's defense mechanisms, lowers oxidative stress levels, and combats irrational hunger.

It is one of the “complete protein sources” since it contains all nine necessary amino acids, with a higher concentration of arginine, making it a source of numerous and significant amino acids for the organism.

● Linseed Flour (11 g)

Another superfood included in the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake supplement is flaxseed, and more particularly, flaxseed flour (Linseed Flour). This tiny seed is extremely useful to health despite its severe undervaluation.

Flaxseed, which is rich in nutrients, has recently been referred to as one of the “superfoods. It provides a good amount of nutritional fiber, vitamins, minerals, Omega 3 healthy fats, vegetable proteins, and other nutrients (soluble and insoluble).

All nutritionists advise flaxseed for persons who have trouble controlling their appetites because it aids in satisfying appetite suppression and encourages weight loss from pure body fat.

● Brown Rice Protein (1.5 g)

Because brown rice has a higher nutritional value than “ordinary” white rice in recent years, its popularity has grown dramatically. Even diabetics should eat brown rice because it has been scientifically shown to be a “friend” of low glycaemic index.

It is exceptionally high in fiber as well as proteins, vitamins, and minerals as a diet. For example, one cup of brown rice gives the body 80% of its necessary magnesium and beneficial vegetable oils (healthy fatty acids) that promote heart health.

● Hemp Protein (1.5 g)

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake also includes another excellent source of vegetable protein in addition to Pea and Brown Rice Protein. Many individuals may misunderstand hemp protein, but it's important to understand its strong nutritional profile.

Cannabis protein has increased significantly over the past ten years, despite being lower in protein than whey. The high prevalence of food allergies and intolerances that a significant section of the population experiences in relation to dairy, soy, and gluten are a significant factor (and therefore in oats, which, although gluten-free, contains avenin, of a similar structure to it).

Cannabis protein is a complete (vegan-friendly) protein source that gives the body all nine (9) essential amino acids, coming very close to an ideal source.

● KSM— 66 Ashwagandha (300 mg)

It is Ashwagandha's most active, potent, and advantageous variety (as evidenced by a wealth of valid scientific studies). It is an incredible herb that grows primarily in India and is also known as “Indian Ginseng.” Ayurveda and alternative medicine have been utilizing it for millennia.

This little shrub's root, which is used to make supplements, has high concentrations of many nutrients that are good for general health. It also works as a great energy booster, supports the body's immune system, and encourages the smooth operation of all its systems.

● Innoslim ([Panax notoginseng Extract (root) and Astragalus membranaceus Extract (root)] (250 mg)

It is a 100 percent herbal extract that actively encourages weight loss in a completely secure manner. In addition, relevant scientific study has shown that it greatly lowers caloric intake since it stifles the feeling of hunger and lessens instances of daytime overeating.

● Extract of Reishi Mushrooms

Traditional Chinese medicine has been utilizing it for thousands of years and is ideally correlated with ideas like well-being, bodily and mental health, longevity, and quality of life.

Current studies support the mushroom's positive effects on the endocrine, immunological, and cardiovascular systems, as well as the gastrointestinal and central nervous systems (Central Nervous System). Helps you get a good night's sleep and detoxifies your liver. It brings about spiritual clarity and results in a powerful, energizing physique. It can be found in supplements for weight loss, nootropics, and even for sports.

⇨ Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Official Website

What portion of food would the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake replace?

One whole meal can be replaced with the PhenQ-recommended meal replacement, which is a big advantage. In addition, many weight-loss products are on the market that “promise” or “claim” to aid in weight loss and encourage the breakdown of body fat by replacing one of your normal meals.

The caloric efficiency of a number of products designed to replace snacks or even complete meals is much lower ranging from cereal bars and protein snacks to complete meals and shake meals, in our case, the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake.

Weight loss shakes, for the most part, still need to meet the requirements to completely replace a meal, which means they lack both the caloric value and the nutritional content that the body needs from a meal. To help you lose weight in reality rather than simply on paper, PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is a full nutritious beverage. At this point, we should mention that one PhenQ Complete Meal Shake serves only 269 calories and has a very low carbohydrate content (ideal for those following a low-carb diet).

By “Complete Nutritional Drink,” what do we mean?

This essentially indicates that you can get all the macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber you require from a nutritious meal from one product. All of this encourages weight loss from the body's stored fat while having a significantly lower calorie outcome (and not from lean muscle mass).


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

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A full meal substitute cannot consume fewer than 200 calories. On the other hand, meal supplements typically provide 200 to 300 calories, which is enough to cover a person's daily energy requirements. Yet, a good meal replacement adheres to healthy, balanced diet guidelines and does not leave out the essential elements that correspond to a meal.

The PhenQ Complete Meal Shake weight-loss also offers the following vitamins and minerals:     

Calories (269)

Fat (15.96 g)

Carbs (4.98 g)

Sugar (2.4 g)

Protein (15.52 g)

Salt (0.8 g)

What is said about “Meal Substitutes” in scientific research

They immediately became a “trend” in weight loss due to their low calorific content and extraordinary simplicity, as they didn't require any planning or preparation.

The majority of these “meals,” at least historically, did not fit the criteria of a nutritious diet, particularly one that was sustainable over time. As a result, nutritional supplements now frequently include vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in their “mixtures” of substances, aiding in the overall stimulation and strengthening of the organism and the health and welfare of the individual in his everyday life.

Customer Reviews

1. My dress size decreased by three thanks to it.

“I am really fixated on this meal shake. I typically have it for breakfast each morning and never skip it. I would stop at a petrol station on my way to work every morning for a snack. But now, as I drive to work, I consume a PhenQ Complete Meal Shake. My time and money are saved. The product is incredibly delicious and tastes like a chocolate donut to me. I still want to lose more weight because it has helped me drop three dress sizes. We appreciate this stuff”. -Elliana

2. I struggled with food cravings.

But now I have great energy and have lost 10 pounds. I occasionally eat too many snacks, which I am aware are unhealthy. A friend gave me the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake recommendation and assured me that it would reduce my cravings and snacking. I used the product, which helped me stop daytime eating and curb my appetite for food. I've shed 10 pounds, yet I still have a lot of energy. I also enjoy the product's flavor. I would strongly advise the product to anyone who battles urges. Amazing product”. -Calvin

⇨ Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Official Website

FAQs for PhenQ Complete Meal Shake

Q: The PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Should Be Taken How?

A: One or two scoops of the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake product should be taken, and 8 or 16 ounces of water should be added. Milk is acceptable as long as it is unsweetened. Then shake or stir, and then sip as a complete meal replacement.

Q: What is the price of the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: The official product website is where you can get PhenQ Complete Meal Shake. A single purchase will cost you $20.95. For $18.95 more, you can add a second bag. You save 10% if you buy a monthly subscription. The finest slimming benefits can be obtained by purchasing a 90 or 180-day supply, which is the most advantageous shopping bundle. You give the natural components 90 or 180 days to do their thing.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

⇨ Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Official Website

Q: What is the return policy for PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: There is a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee from the manufacturer. Send the item back to the business within 60 days of purchase if you are unhappy with it for any reason, and you'll get a complete, hassle-free refund.

Q: Do you have a free trial offer for PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: Sorry, this product does not offer a free trial. You have the choice of making a one-time purchase or choosing to receive 10% off a monthly subscription.

Q: How safe is the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: The natural, safe ingredients in the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake don't cause any negative side effects. Also, there are no artificial or chemical ingredients that could be harmful. The product is also produced by a reputable, long-standing business that follows stringent safety guidelines.

Q: What Weight Loss Can I Expect with PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: Each user's experience with PhenQ Complete Meal Shake will vary regarding how much weight they lose. Your individual metabolism, how frequently you use the product, how much you exercise, and the diet you consume all have a role.

Q: If I have a health condition, may I use PhenQ Complete meal shake?

A: The maker does not refer to any medical issues that would prevent consuming this shake. It is best to consult with your doctor first to ensure that this product is appropriate for you if you have a medical problem.

Q: Who Should Consume the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake?

A: Customers who want consistent weight reduction advantages and increased energy from a meal replacement product may turn to the PhenQ Complete Meal Replacement Shake. Since the shake will lessen your anxiety, it is especially excellent for those who eat when they are anxious. Also, it benefits those attempting to increase their strength and muscle mass.

Q: Is there caffeine in the PhenQ Complete meal shake?

A: A natural weight-loss supplement called PhenQ Complete Meal Shake also gives you a tonne of extra energy. Caffeine and other stimulants are not present in the product, nevertheless. Therefore, the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is safe for users who are caffeine sensitive.

⇨ Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Official Website

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake Review – Conclusion

The PhenQ Complete Meal Shake replaces one complete meal and claims to keep you satisfied while assisting in weight loss. The supplement can also provide you with energy, help you gain muscle mass and strength, and lower your risk of stress and emotional eating. It is fairly priced and is offered in Vanilla ice cream, Strawberry & cream, and Chocolate Brownie.

The bulk of reviews for the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake were really complimentary of the item. People praised the flavor and expressed excitement about drinking it. The benefits of losing weight and improving energy, strength, and mood were also addressed.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.
