This Article is From Jun 20, 2018

Vitamin D Can Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk: Study; Food Sources Of Vitamin D And Their Health Benefits

Vitamin D deficiency can cause colorectal cancer: High circulating levels of Vitamin D can reduce risks of colorectal cancer in women, a new study has found.

Vitamin D Can Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk: Study; Food Sources Of Vitamin D And Their Health Benefits

Vitamin D deficiency can increase risks of colorectal cancer, especially in women


  • Vitamin D plays an important role in normal functioning of the body
  • Foods rich in Vitamin D can help in improving bone density
  • Foods rich in Vitamin D can help in weight loss

Did you know? High circulating levels of Vitamin D can reduce risks of colorectal cancer, a new study has found. Reduced risk of colorectal cancer because of high Vitamin D has been particularly found in women. The study, which was published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, states that people with less Vitamin D were at 31% higher risk of colorectal cancer. Vitamin D is known to perform several important functions in the body. It is one of the most important micronutrients in the body. From immunity to brain function, Vitamin D is responsible for a lot of body functions. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which is made in our bodies when we get exposed to sunlight. A lot of people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency because of very less exposure to sunlight. Moreover, there are very less food options for Vitamin D, which further contributes to deficiency of Vitamin D. incorporating a Vitamin D rich foods in your diet can take you a long way in terms of maintaining good health and preventing risk of colorectal cancer.


vitamin d

Vitamin D deficiency can increase risk of colorectal cancer
Photo Credit: iStock

Food sources of Vitamin D

Apart from sunlight, common source of Vitamin D includes cod liver oil, sunlight, wild salmon, tuna fish, mackerel, eggs, caviar, mushrooms and sardines.

Apart from being good sources of Vitamin D, these foods have other health benefits too. Let's take a look:

1. Strengthen bones

Foods rich in Vitamin D can help in improving bone density. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D can causes rickets - a condition which causes bone abnormalities and reduces bone mineral density in children. Incidence of rickets is very less now. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause osteoporosis and also increases risk of fractures in older adults. Thus, an efficient way of including Vitamin D in your diet is by eating these foods rich in Vitamin D. Other minerals which are important for bone health include potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Also read: Top 7 Symptoms Of Colorectal Cancer You Must Know

2. Help in weight loss

Foods rich in Vitamin D can help in weight loss and reducing the tedious belly fat. Obesity or being overweight may contribute to low levels of Vitamin D in the body. This claim, however, still needs more research. Include these foods in your diet to get sufficient Vitamin D as well as for weight loss and reducing belly fat.

weight loss

Foods rich in Vitamin D can help in weight loss
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Can prevent cancer

What you eat is what will determine how prone you are to risks of chronic conditions such as cancer. Apart from colorectal cancer, Vitamin D can prevent formation of other cancers such as prostate, colon and breast cancers. Vitamin D can affect growth of tumor cells, cell differentiation and cause death of cancer cells. A possible reason behind this could be sun exposure and Vitamin D levels in the blood. This is all the more reason why you must include Vitamin D in your diet.

Also read: The Best Natural Sources Of Vitamin D

4. Improve immune system

Sufficient levels of Vitamin D in the body can help in giving a boost to immunity. It helps the body fight against infection. It helps in cell replication and is said to offer protection from autoimmune diseases and infections. Sufficient levels of Vitamin D can prevent prolonged inflammation - which is the root cause of numerous chronic conditions and health problems.

Also read: Vitamin D Deficiency: Best Ways To Take Care Of It

5. Boost brain health

Vitamin D is important for brain health. Deficiency of Vitamin D has been found to increase risks of schizophrenia. Also, sufficient Vitamin D levels can also influence, anxiety, depression, insomnia and seasonal affective disorder. Low levels of Vitamin D in the body can also contribute to poor performance is standardized exams, cause difficulty in paying attention and impair decision making. 


Vitamin D is important for brain functioning
Photo Credit: iStock
