This Article is From Jun 16, 2022

Men's Health Week 2022: Diseases Men Are Prone To & How To Reduce Risks

Here's everything you need to know about diseases that men may be more prone to.

Men's Health Week 2022: Diseases Men Are Prone To & How To Reduce Risks

Working out regularly can help lower your risk of developing various chronic diseases

Significance & theme

Men's Health Week is celebrated in the month of June. The Men's Health Week was first initiated in 2002 during the second World Congress for Men's Health in Austria. The main purpose to initiate this week was to draw focus toward the physical and mental health of men around the world.

On this year's Men's Health Week, the theme is “Building Healthy Environments for Men and Boys”. The focus is on creating a safe and welcoming environment for the mental and physical health of men.

Many may be unaware, that men around the world may be more prone to certain disorders as compared to women. In this article, we discuss the various diseases men are more prone to. We also list ways through which we can work towards reducing the risk of these diseases.

8 diseases men are more prone to:

1. Heart-related diseases

Men have been proven to be more prone to various heart-related diseases than women. Men are prone to heart-related diseases such as strokes, cardiac arrests (heart attacks), irregular blood pressure, and so on.

2. Depression

Men's mental health is often overlooked due to societal pressures and expectations. Men have been recorded to be prone to depression and various other mental disorders.

3. Respiratory diseases

Men may be prone to respiratory diseases due to unhealthy habits such as smoking. This habit can further increase your risk of developing COPD, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases.

4. Alcohol abuse

Studies show men drink and binge drink twice more than women. This puts them at a higher risk of developing addiction, liver diseases, infertility, cancer, and other life-threatening disorders.

5. Liver disease

A healthy liver is essential to one's life. Alcohol and tobacco abuse can cause degradation to your liver.

6. Diabetes

Men are also prone to diabetes as compared to women. Diabetes can also cause mood disorders, heart diseases, sexual impotency, and so on.


Due to lack of symptoms may men with AIDS may go undetected. According to studies, men account for more than 70% of all recorded AIDS patients.

8. Cancer

Men have been recorded to be more prone to various kinds of cancer such as skin cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, etc.

How can you reduce your risk of developing these diseases?

There are various lifestyle changes you can make today that can significantly reduce your chances of developing these diseases.

Here are 6 easy-to-follow lifestyle changes you should follow:

1. Eat well

Eating a healthy diet and avoiding fried and highly processed foods can help reduce your risks of these diseases. These foods also equip your body of fighting external radicals.

2. Workout

Working out regularly can ensure better health and reduce your risk of developing various heart, lungs, etc. related diseases. It also promotes better mental health.

3. Make time for your mental health

Seeking help for your mental health can be challenging. However, we encourage you to seek help if needed. Along with this, engaging with people and various activities can help reduce stress and other issues you may be facing.

4. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol may be one of the most common contributors to the development of various chronic diseases. Limiting your intake can help reduce the risk for various heart-related, liver-related, and mood-related diseases.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking significantly increases your chances of developing cancer and various other diseases. It also reduces your body's abilities to fight various abnormalities, wearing your immune system.

6. Get checkups regularly

Even after following a good lifestyle, one may develop health complications. Symptoms of these disorders may go unnoticed. Hence, you are encouraged to take regular full-body checks up to ensure you are fit within.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is a key to a healthy and long life. Taking precautionary steps is ideal to avoid developing the diseases mentioned above. You must always be watchful of early signs and not ignore prolonged sickness of any kind. Even prolonged headaches, muscle pain, etc. can be symptoms of chronic disease.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
