This Article is From Dec 29, 2020

Christmas 2020: Stay Warm With These Healthy Drinks This Holiday Season

Christmas 2020: It is time to swap those calorie-loaded sugary drink with some healthy drinks. Read here to know some nutritionist recommended healthy yet tasty drinks you must try during holidays.

Christmas 2020: Stay Warm With These Healthy Drinks This Holiday Season

Christmas 2020: Prepare healthy drink this Christmas to stay warm


  • Choose healthy drinks this holiday season
  • Replace sugar with dates, gur and other natural forms of sugar
  • Keep a check on your portion at a Christmas or New year party

Christmas is here with the season of cakes, lights, gifts, cookies and much more. While enjoying the holidays, it is equally important to stay warm. Making a few healthy choices can help you enjoy the festive season guilt-free. While hot chocolate is one of the most common drinks enjoyed during the holidays, there are several other healthy options that you can try. Recently, nutritionist Lovneet Batra took to Instagram to share some of her healthy drink recipes which can help you stay warm as well as give you an excuse to ditch those sugary drinks. Keep reading to know how to prepare these drinks and the amazing benefits these may offer to your body.

Christmas 2020: Try these healthy drinks

Batra writes in her post, "Christmas means indulging yourself with lots of delicious drinks that warm the soul. It is a winter festival after all! The merry day of the festival is just around the corner we know everyone wants that 'IT' drink that keeps them warm, tastes delicious and is guilt-free!"

1. Red velvet smoothie

To prepare this blend one cup coconut milk, two dates, one banana, half cup beetroot and one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder together to make a finely blended ready to pour concoction. Strain and pour into a tall glass. Add a scoop of coconut cream and one tablespoon of finely chopped almonds for garnish. The dates add a natural kick of sweetness which is a healthy alternate to sugar.


Add dates to your drinks instead of sugar for a sweet taste
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Vegan hot chocolate

"Who says you need full milk to make hot chocolate? Make your own vegan hot chocolate with coconut milk," says the nutritionist in her post. Prepare this hot chocolate with half cup coconut milk, two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, half tablespoon cinnamon powder and half cup of water. Cinnamon is a commonly used spice which not only adds a strong flavour but also multiple health benefits to your foods and drinks.

Also read: Healthy Christmas Snacks For Kids

3. Spiced honey and cinnamon warm drink

Honey is another ingredient that should be a part of your winter diet. Combining cinnamon and honey can offer the goodness of these two ingredients. To prepare this drink heat up around two cups of whole milk or almond milk/coconut milk (if you're vegan or lactose intolerant). Add the spices including one whole vanilla pod, one cinnamon stick, four cloves, two cardamoms and a tablespoon of honey to the milk. Keep this on low flame and allow the spices to leave their aroma to the milk properly. Switch off the flame and cover the container for 10 mins before straining. Garnish with cinnamon powder and a dollop of honey before serving.


Prepare a drink with cinnamon and enjoy the multiple health benefits it offers
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Very berry green tea

The health benefits of drinking green tea re well-known. You can give a berry twist to your usual cup of green tea this Christmas. You need simply add one-forth cup of your favourite berry to a cup of green tea and enjoy!

Also read: Baked Kalkals And Healthy Fruit Cake- Try Shilpa Shetty Kundra's Favourite Christmas Foods- Watch Video Here

Stay warm this holiday season with these healthy drinks and Merry Christmas!

(Lovneet Batra is a nutritionist and author)

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