This Article is From Dec 06, 2010

WikiLeaks: 'Be ready to use force against China'

WikiLeaks: 'Be ready to use force against China'
Melbourne: Australia's former premier Kevin Rudd had told the US that it should be ready to "deploy force" if attempts to integrate China with the international community do not yield results, secret cables released by WikiLeaks have disclosed, prompting an embarrassed Australia to insist that it continues to have strong ties with Beijing.

According to a secret cable written by a US diplomat, Rudd told US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year that Australia and the US should work to integrate China into the international community but be prepared to "deploy force if everything goes wrong".

Rudd also said his vision for an Asia-Pacific Community was primarily an attempt to contain Chinese influence.

As the revelations surfaced, Australian government today stressed at its relationship with China will remain strong despite them.

According to 'The Australian', Attorney-General Robert McClelland today dubbed the new disclosures by WikiLeaks as "grossly irresponsible".

The opposition Coalition said it was troubled by the revelations, and called on Prime Minister Julia Gillard to clarify whether she supported Rudd's comments.

While declining to comment on the specifics of the cable, the first released by WikiLeaks in which Australia features prominently, McClelland insisted Australia's strong relationship with China would continue.

"We have a very strong relationship with the Chinese government and the people of China, a strong business relationship, strong diplomatic relationships, strong government-to-government relationships, and that arrangement will continue," he said.

"The Foreign Minister has not given dignity to the publication of this information by commenting on it," McClelland said.

"All I can do is reiterate is that we have (a strong relationship with China) at a number of levels, including law enforcement operation, including again when they have had emergencies to provide assistance," he said.

McClelland said the Australian Federal Police was investigating the release of the cable.

"It is grossly irresponsible of an organisation to even contemplate publishing such information. Free speech is one thing, we all respect that, but we also respect the freedom and rights of people to live without fear," he said.

He said it was "fair enough" that media outlets had published embarrassing material, but added "I would again just caution people to come back and really see what's going on here".