This Article is From Feb 07, 2010

India's disputed territory: Army's efforts in Ladakh

Leh: Locals in eastern Ladakh's Chumathang village are truly blessed this winter as they get piping hot water at their doorstep, thanks to the Army's efforts and only those who live in temperatures ranging from minus five to minus 30 degrees can appreciate the importance of this gesture.

Nima, a local villager says, "Earlier we had to walk miles to the river to get water. Now we get hot water thrice a day. That's a big blessing, thanks to the Indian Army."

But supplying water is not the only help given by the Army to locals in this inaccessible, difficult area of Ladakh. Women empowerment through skill-building is also a major component of Operation Sadbhavana and more than 90 women earn their livelihood through this centre.

Dichen Ambose, in-charge, Women Empowerment Centre, says, "All women learn weaving and knitting at the centre which has helped them to make a living for themselves. Also, some of them do the same work back home what they learnt here thus putting in double the effort."

The effort by the Army is important but small in scale the bigger plans involve improving Ladakh's infrastructure and roads.

Although high level china study group has recommended a major boost to the roads infrastructure in Ladakh, inclement weather in high altitudes ranging from 14 to 22,000 feet makes it very difficult for infrastructure to be built at a rapid space. Although the work has begun on new projects. It's going to be at least 4 to 5 years before the roads will actually become operationalized.
