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This Article is From Apr 14, 2023

Cardarine GW-501516 Review - Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Benefits

The recent SARM Cardarine GW-501516 is creating quite a buzz in the market. What is this product? Let us take a deeper dive to understand why there is so much noise whirling around it!

Cardarine GW-501516 Review - Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Benefits

When we talk about SARMS and bodybuilders, it's always a debate. One half always supports the usage of SARMs for enhancing their performance, while the other half is entirely against its usage. But the recent SARM Cardarine GW-501516 is creating quite a buzz in the market.

What is this product? Let us take a deeper dive to understand why there is so much noise whirling around it!

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What is Cardarine GW-501516? 

If you have yet to hear the name Cardarine GW-501516, let us introduce it to you. It is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator known by the term SARM.

This chemical was not developed to be used in the fitness industry originally. Instead, the primary reason it was used to treat muscle mass loss was often the result of various chronic diseases like muscle atrophy, AIDS, and even some types of Cancer.

But gradually, this property made the product quite popular among the athletes, which they started using for their gain. 

If you are into sports or fitness, you must know that gaining lean muscle requires much hard work. You must follow a particular routine and engage in heavy physical activity to get the results.

SARMs, on the other hand, help achieve those lean muscles in quite a short period.

The chemical name is Edurobol which was primarily used for therapeutic purposes. But athletes nowadays use this to get the perfect gym body or better performance using products like Cardarine GW-501516. These are illegal, and if one gets caught using them in a health test, they might even get banned from professional performance forever.

Cardarine is not specifically a naturally obtained SARM but manufactured in the labs to give the same results. These supplements also claim to help in increasing bone density and improve the overall strength of the body.

Your body naturally produces elements that play a significant role in manufacturing Cardarine. But when you want it in excess amounts, an external source is needed, and Cardarine comes into play.

According to various trials, it has been seen that it might help with improving the overall metabolism of the body, stabilize the blood cholesterol levels and at the same time improve blood pressure. But there lies a problem.

GW-501516 is a synthetically manufactured Cardarine with some harmful effects on your body. When a person uses SARMs continuously, it keeps the body under stress resulting in more harm than good. When someone takes this synthetic chemical regularly, they increase the natural concentration of Cardarine in the body. And as we know, anything more than required is often a threat to your system. So it often results in dangerous side effects.

For the best results, athletes and bodybuilders often inject it into their bodies, ultimately resulting in substance abuse after some time. Once the body gets used to a specific concentration of increased Cardarine in the body, it does not respond as it should. During that time, the person needs to switch to a higher dose, which keeps increasing gradually.

This substance is often consumed excessively, leading to severe side effects, most of which are irreversible.

Also, because there is very little promising data on clinical trials using such a product often pose a considerable threat to any human.

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Side effects of Cardarine GW-501516

There are not just one but multiple side effects of using this synthetic SARM. Even though people use this product, it is not as safe as various websites or reviews claim. If you wish to use a product, you must read and understand everything about its use case and make an informed decision afterward.

Not just abuse, addiction, or overdose; there is much more that Cardarine GW-501516 does to your body.

●       High chances of developing Cancer

We are all aware of cancer. In most cases, it is an irreversible disease that kills a person eventually. According to the limited clinical trials conducted globally, synthetically manufactured Cardarine like GW-501516 often increases the chances of getting Cancer. It was seen during a study that when the levels of Cardarine increase in your body, often due to an external source, it results in causing Cancer due to its carcinogenic properties. The effects are similar to smoking cigarettes, which is also one of the primary causes of lung cancer. Even though the type of Cancer that one develops from using GW-501516 is yet to be confirmed, knowing that one has a higher chance of getting the disease after consuming GW-501516 is already quite alarming.

●       Damages the Brain

Believe it or not, Cardarine affects almost all your body's cells. It has been seen that using synthetically manufactured chemicals over time can damage the brain cells. We all know that our brain is made up of neurons. It is the only cell in the body that does not regenerate once a child is born. So when the brain cells, that is, the neurons, are damaged, it is a permanent loss, and nothing can be done to reverse the process. An increased concentration of Cardarine in the body has also been shown to cause inflammations in the brain because it acts as a catalyst for a cytokine known as Interleukin 6.

●       Severe Headache

It is one of the most commonly reported side effects of consuming GW-501516. People who have been using this product have even reported this problem for quite some time. The headaches are most common among those who overdose or abuse this substance. Since Cardarine acts as a stimulant for the body, when taken in excess, it causes severe headaches. 

●       Messes with the cardiovascular system

Whenever you use any stimulant, you must be very careful with the dosage. But in the case of GW-501516, the dosage is so high that you must suffer all the adverse effects of using a stimulant daily. According to various reports it has been seen that GW-501516 increases the heart rate significantly. Just like when you have your morning coffee, you get an energy boost; Cardarine serves the same purpose. But when taken in excess, it creates a lot of stress on your heart which causes it to beat faster, increasing the overall heart rate. Even though it might not be hazardous for younger people, it is definitely uncomfortable to bear the increased heart rate. However, it might be fatal for older people since it raises the heartbeats significantly. 

Since it raises the heart rate, it also messes with the individual's blood pressure. People taking GW-501516 regularly have shown a typical pattern of constant high blood pressure. Under normal circumstances, a person with high blood pressure is often administered medicines that help keep the pressure under control. But when someone is taking synthetically manufactured Cardarine, these medicines do not help since the product is much more potent than the drugs. In that case, the only way to bring the blood pressure back to normal is to get off GW-501516 and follow a professional doctor's prescription.

●       Muscle Cramps and Joint Pains

Most companies selling GW-501516 claim that their product helps improve your bone health. But that is the half-truth. Whether it helps to improve your skeletal health or not is still under the radar. Suffering from joint pain after starting with GW-501516 is quite common. In most cases, the pain becomes so unbearable that the consumer has to start physiotherapy or other treatments to get rid of the pain. 

Muscle cramps are also quite a common side effect faced by most of the consumers of GW-501516. You need regular medications to deal with these cramps, which makes it difficult to lead a healthy life. 

●       Damages the Liver

In most cases, if you are abusing any particular supplement, it has a severe impact on the body. For example, when someone takes an excessive amount of Creatinine for a better physique, it directly impacts their kidneys. In the same way, GW-501516 has severe effects on your liver. Constant high levels of Cardarine has shown to cause liver toxicity. It is a medical condition in which your liver starts swelling due to excessive exposure to Cardarine. 

Due to liver toxicity, various problems start, all related to the disease. First, the individual starts to have yellowing of the skin, followed by nausea, vomiting, weight loss, itching, abdominal pain, etc. Together, these lead to permanent liver damage that increases the chances of getting other liver diseases. 

●       Stomach Upset

When a person starts with a new supplement, diarrhea is quite common. But it becomes a problem when the person is unable to subsidize the stomach upset. For example, a person usually suffers from diarrhea when taking antibiotics along with GW-501516. It is because the drug somehow messes with the mechanism of GW-501516, which leads to severe stomach problems. One of the things that are pretty clear from this data is that it becomes tough to continue any medication after you start taking GW-501516. 

For individuals who suffer from chronic problems, regular intake of prescription drugs, GW-501516, pose quite a big issue for all of them. 

Dosage of Cardarine


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It is one of the crucial things that pop into our mind when we learn about all the adverse effects of Cardarine. 

Well, here is some good news! The chances of developing any health problems or other issues are significantly less when people take GW-501516 in a controlled dosage. However, there are a few checkboxes that you need to follow if you are willing to take Cardarine. 

You must constantly undergo PCT and follow every instruction given by your doctor. And take only the recommended dosage and do not overuse it. 

But here's a catch! If you wish to see significant results, you might not get that by taking the synthetic drug in safe amounts. To get the best results, one needs to inject quite a considerable amount, bringing along all the adverse effects in the body. 

According to various rules and regulations usage of Cardarine is banned, except for medical or research trials. 

Even the World Anti-doping Agency, which keeps a check on a player's lifestyle and habits, has banned the usage of GW-501516 in any form. If a player in any sport is caught using this chemical, he might get banned from the sport forever, and even his medals and awards can be taken away. 

Apart from this, most sports and bodybuilding organizations that conduct regular drug tests on their players have banned the use of Cardarine. 

Not only this, but when a person starts to use this synthetic drug in large amounts, they can't avoid getting addicted. The biggest problem arising from using GW-501516 is that after a while, the amount of drug you take does not show the results you expect. So you are forced to increase the dosage. This is a never-ending process; in most cases, people abuse the product. 

And when one starts to enjoy the product's benefits, like an increased energy boost or better athletic performance, they cannot let go of that feeling. Like any other drug, it is a common problem where the player or the athlete cannot perform if they do not use the drug. It becomes a serious problem even when they are willing to get off it. Because they have been addicted to it for quite some time, they tend to develop severe withdrawal syndrome, which can even be fatal if not treated cautiously. 

→ Click HERE for the Best Legal Cardarine Alternative

Benefits of Using Cardarine GW-501516

Even though there are lots of negative effects of injecting Cardarine, there are some benefits as well, due to which it has gained such high popularity among the masses. The various advantages of using this drug include:

●       Increase in endurance

This is one of the primary and significant causes of using GW-501516. In addition, the endurance increases to multi folds, resulting in much better athletic performance. As a result, the consumers of this drug can train much harder than others, and they can even train for a more extended period, giving them better results. 

●       Better Fat burning

According to the mechanism followed by Cardarine, it increases the mitochondrial count in the body. This organelle, as we know, is the reason for energy production in our body. When the body's energy is increased, the overall metabolism improves. This ensures much better and faster fat burning resulting in a more energetic feeling and developing lean muscles simultaneously. 

●       Improve the performance of Athletes

People take these orally or inject Cardarine to improve their performance. Due to the improved metabolism, an athlete can perform better. They feel more energetic and can train longer, giving better results. 

→ Click HERE for the Best Legal Cardarine Alternative

Alternative to Cardarine GW-501516

Given so many disadvantages of injecting Cardarine, finding an alternative to this becomes crucial. 

Even though there are tons of items available in the market, not all of them give the desired results. The ingredient list is not entirely reliable in most of the products that claim to be the best alternative for Cardarine. In addition, most of the components used in those alternatives contain certain substances that might harm the body in the long run. 

The search for the best alternative ends when you finally get your hands on C-dine By CrazyBulk. It is one of the favorite choices of bodybuilders and athletes looking to enhance their performances but do not want to compromise their health. So what is this product that has gained popularity? Let us dig deeper! 


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

→ Click HERE for the Best Legal Cardarine Alternative (C-dine by Crazybulk)

What is C-Dine?? 

As the name suggests, its results are the same as the ones you would expect from Cardarine GW-501516. However, it comprises all-natural ingredients that ensure your health is not compromised. 

C-dine is a revolutionary product manufactured by the famous health supplement company CrazyBulk. 

This product helps burn fat significantly faster without putting the body under stress or increasing the heart rate fatally. 

C-dine also helps to increase the endurance of the individual and aids in developing lean muscles. Apart from this, when a person consumes the supplement as per the recommended dosage, they can recover faster after a tedious workout session than their peers. 


The ingredient list of C-dine makes it a hero product among thousands of fake ones in the market. All C-dine components are naturally obtained, so you can be assured that nothing harmful is entering your body through this product. 

The list includes the following:

● Vitamin C

Every athlete needs a significant amount of Vitamin C. But have you ever wondered what the need is to consume so much Ascorbic Acid? When a person undergoes heavy physical training, their muscles are weared off. They need to recover faster to continue their training. Vitamin C molecules help in this recovery process. You can find a lot of Vitamin C in citrus fruits, but the quantity needs to be increased for athletes. They need more than any average individual. So C-dine by CrazyBulk serves 80mg of Ascorbic Acid per serving. Besides aiding recovery, Vitamin C also helps block specific biomolecules in the body that cause inflammations. 

● Southern Ginseng

This is another vital compound found in C-dine by CrazyBulk. Ginseng is one of the most common herbs used for treating various ailments. This herb is a stimulant in the body that helps clear the mind, increases focus and boosts energy. 

● Capsimax

As the name suggests, this concentrate is obtained from the popular vegetable Capsicum. It is a mixture where the capsicum concentrate is mixed with red hot chilli peppers. The purpose of using it in C-dine is that it helps improve the body's metabolism while maintaining healthy energy levels in your system. In addition, this concentrate helps get the desired levels of capsaicinoids without exposing the body to the pepper's heat. 

● InnoSlim

It is another patented ingredient. The purpose of having it in C-dine is to aid in the weight loss journey of the consumers. To get lean muscle mass, one must first get rid of the excess fatty layer in the body forts. The best part about this ingredient is that it is non-stimulatory and does not put the body under stress to achieve the desired results. 

The other ingredients of C-dine include Iron in the form of Ferrous Fumarate and vitamins B12, B6, and A. Apart from this, iodine, chromium, and choline are also found in the supplement. All of the components are natural that are obtained hence do not pose any risk when you consume them regularly. 

Pros and Cons of C-dine


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The benefits and drawbacks of C-dine by CrazyBulk include the following:

The Pros

● An enhanced thermogenesis

● No injection is needed supplement comes in the form of capsules

● Faster recovery after a heavy physical exercise

● Much improved endurance

● All natural ingredients

● Almost no health risks

● Great discounts with combo packs 

The Cons

● It might not be a suitable option for pregnant or nursing women

● It might cause some stomach upset primarily due to the presence of various herbal extracts  

→ Click HERE for the Best Legal Cardarine Alternative (C-dine by Crazybulk)


What is the best alternative to Cardarine GW-501516? 

Even though it is not a SARM, Cardarine consumption has severe side effects. However, if you are looking for alternatives with the same effect as Cardarine, C-dine by CrazyBulk is your best call. In addition, it is affordable and is currently one of the most popular choices among dedicated bodybuilders. 


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

What are the advantages of buying a C-dine? 

One of the biggest advantages of buying C-dine by CrazyBulk over GW-501516 is that it contains medically tested ingredients. As a result, it is an excellent alternative to a drug with severe side effects on the body. And apart from this, it increases thermogenesis, helps with fat loss, and gives fantastic endurance, which you might expect from injecting Cardarine. In short, C-dine is everything you want in GW-501516 except for the side effects. 

Can Cardarine GW-501516 cause bone cancer? 

The type of Cancer that GW-501516 can cause is still under study. However, various data show that when a person has a higher concentration of Cardarine in their body, it can turn quite fatal. It is because the chemical has carcinogenic properties, and when present in excess, it can cause various types of CancerCancer irrespective of age or gender. 

→ Click HERE for the Best Legal Cardarine Alternative (C-dine by Crazybulk)

The Bottom Line

Cardarine is not only addictive but expensive as well. So basically, one is paying hundreds or thousands of dollars to achieve something that ultimately impacts not just his health but his entire life. 

Even though various organizations have banned the usage of GW-501516, people still use it for increased athletic performance. However, one must understand they can get all those benefits without compromising their health. C-dine by CrazyBulk is a fantastic alternative solution to this issue. It is like enjoying all the advantages but eliminating the risk factor. 

All ingredients used in C-dine are carefully tested to ensure the product that you are using is free from toxins and any harmful heavy metals that might otherwise pose a risk to your health. 

In conclusion, the dangers of synthetic SARMs are clear and should not be ignored. The risks of adverse side effects, long-term health problems, and legal issues outweigh any potential benefits. 

Choosing alternatives like C-dine by Crazybulk provides a safe and effective solution for those seeking to improve their fitness and performance goals. C-dine offers the benefits of SARMs without harmful synthetic ingredients, providing a natural and healthy way to achieve the desired results. 

With its carefully selected natural ingredients and scientific research, C-dine is a safe and legal alternative that offers a variety of benefits, including increased muscle mass, improved strength and endurance, and faster recovery time. In addition, by selecting C-dine over synthetic SARMs, individuals can ensure that they are making wise and responsible decisions for their health and well-being.

 In addition to providing a safe and effective alternative, Crazybulk offers exceptional customer support, ensuring users have all the information and resources needed to make the most of their fitness journey. By avoiding synthetic SARMs and instead opting for natural alternatives like C-dine by Crazybulk, individuals can achieve their fitness goals while prioritizing their health and safety.

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Tags:  NDTV Partner Content, NDTV Health Supplements, crazybulk, sarms

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.
