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This Article is From May 26, 2023

Best SARMs Stack For Cutting & Muscle Growth: Ultimate SARMs Cycle And Dosage Guide

If youre looking to use the best SARMs for muscle growth right now, then these are the most potent.

Best SARMs Stack For Cutting & Muscle Growth: Ultimate SARMs Cycle And Dosage Guide

If you're looking to pack on muscle at a faster rate than you can achieve naturally, then SARMs for bulking can really help, and the best SARMs stack will do it faster than a single supplement.

In this complete guide, I'm going to talk to you about what the best SARMs for muscle growth, and cutting, are.

If you're really focused on creating a potent SARMs stack, then you can check out my recommendations SARMs Companies right now:

  • CrazyBulk
  • BrutalForce

So this is a complete guide on everything you need to know to use SARMs for muscle growth, and cutting, by creating the best stacks, and using optimal SARMs cycle lengths, in order to achieve your bodybuilding goals safely, and much faster than you can naturally.

What Are SARMs?

SARMs is an anachronism that is used to describe Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

SARMs work by selectively activating androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. That's why hard research chemical SARMs can be highly detrimental to your natural testosterone production.

Some SARMs aren't androgenic though. MK-677, GW-501516, and SR-9009, are all examples of chemicals classed as SARMs, which do not activate androgen receptors at all.

They are not the same as anabolic steroids, which are far more potent and damaging than SARMs. What we're covering in this guide though is not the older classes of chemical SARMs or steroids.

We are talking about using the safer variants of SARMs, provided by modern companies such as CrazyBulk and Brutal Force that can help with lean muscle growth and burn fat without side effects.

So you don't worry about problems or post cycle therapy (PCT) because you simply won't need to worry about either.

The Best SARMs For Muscle Growth In 2023 & Beyond

If you're looking to use the best SARMs for muscle growth right now, then these are the most potent.

I'm going to talk about what each one does, what you can expect from the bulking cycle using them, and then how you can create the most potent bulking stack for insane muscle growth.

1. RAD-140 Testolone

RAD-140 is one of the original most SARMs. A genuine androgenic chemical, it activates the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue to respond with significant strengthening and muscle growth.

Enhancing protein synthesis, and the impacts of androgens in the tissue where the androgen receptors have been activated, this is one of the best SARMs for building significant muscle mass, strength, and determination.

It's also been shown in studies that mimicking the effects of testosterone stimulates higher levels of release of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). This is why a RAD-140 and MK-677 stack is so potent, because MK-677 raises levels of IGF-1, the other important hormone for muscle growth.

RAD-140 Bulking Cycle Results

If you want to build large lean muscle, and you want to do bulk up fast, then RAD-140 is the first SARM you should have on your list for your bulking cycle.

In just a single cycle of around eight weeks, especially in a stack with other muscle building SARMs and supporting chemicals, you can put on significant amounts of lean muscle and gain large amounts of strength.

Plus, heightened response to androgen messages in bone and muscle will also activate your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories as well.

2. LGD-4033 Ligandrol

LGD-4033 is another potent androgenic SARM it works in the same way as RAD-140 on the androgen receptor.

However, although it has the same traits of increasing aggression and determination, and activating significant growth of muscles, it also seems to be better for strength, and developing slightly less muscle tone, but harder muscle tone than with RAD-140.

It's often known as "super osta" for its ability to harden muscles, and protect them in a calorie deficit.

That makes Ligandrol absolutely perfect as part of the best SARMs for cutting stack, or a strong muscle growth stack.

LGD-4033 Bulking Cycle Results

LGD will certainly help you bulk up. You will harden and tone your muscles using it, and they will grow larger.

Because it's similar to Ostarine though, it can also protect your muscle structure if you run it during a cut.

In fact, it's so potent, that even in a cut you can still potentially increase the size and density of your muscle tone with the right diet and effort.

>>Click Here To Buy Crazybulk SARMs<<

3. Nutrobal MK-677

I love MK-677, and I also love that you can generate potent muscle development from the stack that just contains RAD-140 and MK-677.

MK-677 is not an androgenic agent. It works as a growth hormone secretagogue in the body. That means it increases levels of HGH (Human Growth Hormone).

HGH is absolutely essential for increasing the speed and size of your muscle gains, and it can also help with recovery.

Also, higher levels of HGH can stimulate higher levels of production of other growth hormones and androgens.

MK-677 Bulking Cycle Results

MK-677 promotes appetite increases. Therefore, it's great for bulking because you will simply want to eat more. In fact, in a single cycle of 10 weeks, some people can gain as much as 3 kg of lean muscle mass.

But, to get the best results you have to make sure you're eat lean and clean. You must not eat rubbish proteins and carbs that just piles on the pounds.

Overall though, when stacked with other bulking SARMs, you can dramatically increase the size of the muscles you are building, and also improve your endurance (studies have shown this can improve your one-rep max significantly over time).

4. YK-11

Another non-androgenic research chemical that's great for bulking up is YK-11. The original version is actually closer to an anabolic steroid than SARMs, and although it doesn't fully activate on the androgen receptor, it does have the traits to attack androgen receptors across the body.

It actually works as a myostatin inhibitor. This is a hormone that protects us from too much growth our bodies can't cope with by releasing it in higher quantities to send a message to muscle tissue to regulate its growth.

Removing some of that means we aggressively bulk up. That's what it's good at, and it's fantastic alternative to androgenic SARMs.

Of course, the safe YK-11 alternative compound structure I'm recommending to you doesn't have those problems, just the great effects that are produced through natural ingredients.

YK-11 Bulking Cycle Results

YK-11 results can be spectacular. Right up there with RAD-140 and MK-677 for the huge muscle gains they produce.

These gains can be a little watery for some people. So you will lose some bulk post cycle. However, the sheer size you will put on is incredible, and there's nothing like it if you want pure bulk to then work with for sculpting.

5. MK-2866 Ostarine

Ostarine is the classic SARM. Only mildly androgenic, it's had wide human trials. However, they've only been the purposes of treating muscle wasting diseases, and countering ageing diseases.

What they have proven though is that Ostarine has a strong ability to protect muscle and bone wastage in a calorie deficit. Therefore it's a great beginners SARM, and great during a cut.

More than that, in a healthy person, it can improve your energy output, cut fat without attacking muscle tissue, and is mildly androgenic so you get a slight benefit from improved endurance and focus.

MK-2866 Bulking Cycle Results

MK-2866 Ostarine is fantastic for protecting your muscle mass during a calorie deficit, making it perfect for a cutting cycle.

However, when stacked with other SARMs, in a bulking stack it can actually help to bulk you as well.

It will harden your muscle tone, and make it very dry and clean as you develop the size. Not as well as Andarine or Ligandrol, but it definitely can help with bulking so give it a try, because you will be surprised by the results for both bulking and cutting with this very safe SARM.

Always Stack SARMs For Maximum Results

The best way to get the most out of SARMs is to stack them. Forget using individual SARMs, that just don't work powerful enough even at high doses.

The power of SARMs always in stacking them. Because we are talking about a new generation of completely natural and safe to use SARMs, the size of the stack, and the length of the cycle, don't matter much at all.

I'm going to talk you through some specific bulking and cutting stacks in a moment, my advice is simple: by the stacks and experiment with bulking, cutting, and strength stacks to see how they work for you.

Both Brutal Force and CrazyBulk offer fantastic SARMs stacks at significant discounts against buying SARMs individually, which is another reason to never use single supplements.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

How To Create A Potent RAD-140 & MK-677 Stack

Let's give you an example of a potent RAD-140 and MK-677 Stack right now. Put together, they are the best SARMs for muscle growth when combined, and supported with other SARMs.

Here's the best SARMs stack for bulking:

  • 2 x RADBULK or 4 x TESTOL140 capsules daily
  • 2 x IBUTALEAN or 4 x IBUTA677 capsules daily
  • 2 x CARDALEAN or 4 x C-DINE501516 capsules daily
  • 12 week SARMs cycle
  • No PCT supplement required

The first supplement name is the relevant one fromBrutal Force, while the second is the SARMs equivalent supplement fromCrazyBulk.

Note that because these are completely safe and natural SARMs alternatives, there is no need for PCT supplement for use post cycle.

Also, you can run this longer. 12 weeks is a minimum really. You just keep stacking and dosing to keep on getting the benefits.

Best SARMs For Cutting In 2023 & Beyond

Now we have covered the best bulking SARMs, let's look at the best SARMs for cutting, because the cut is just as important once you've created a look you need to unveil.

1. SR-9009

Stenabolic SR-9009 (STENA 9009 / CUTSR9) is a great alternative to Cardarine to produce incredible energy output.

It works by altering your circadian rhythm. This fills your body into thinking that it's always in an elevated state of exercise, and you need more energy. Therefore, the body delivers it.

Use this to underpin a cutting or bulking stack for huge energy output increases that will allow you to drive through to the finish and beyond.

2. Cardarine GW-501516

Cardarine (C-DINE 501516 / CARDALEAN) is the classic energy compound. Referred to illicitly by athletes as "energy in a bottle", it's been used by sportspeople for two decades to get that performance edge.

In the gym, just the same as SR-9009, it helps you with endurance throughout your routine, and pushes you harder after as well.

This can be used to underpin any SARMs stack, and I always recommend you are using it whether you are bulking, cutting, or even in maintenance mode.

3. S-4 Andarine

Andarine (ANDALEAN) is supercharged Ostarine. Very similar in structure, it will harden your muscle tone and leave you highly sculpted.

That makes it great for the cut after you bulked up. When you are revealing the hard work, Andarine will also help to sculpt and harden the muscle tone you have grown.

How To Create An Insane Best Cutting Stack

We talked about bulking stacks, but what about cutting? Cutting is essential to get the sculpted and lean look once you've done the hard work of bulking.

Then, once your tone is been revealed, you can work on certain areas to perfect your look. So what's the best SARMs for cutting stack?

Here's my "go to" cutting stack formula:

  • OSTA 2866
  • C-DINE 501516
  • STENA 9009
  • 12 week SARMs cycle
  • No PCT supplement required

This will deliver everything that a classic cutting SARMs stack should. Dramatic increases in energy levels, so you can burn through the fat and calories.

You'll also have a ton more determination and focus. You'll push harder and longer, and you'll be bouncing to get back in the gym and burn more fat.

Over just a single cycle, you'll burn so much fat that you'll look shredded and lean, with incredible definition.

>>Check Out CrazyBulk's Cutting Stack<<

Best SARMs Reviews

Before I cover the SARMs for bulking and cutting, let's just give you a quick overview here of each of the most common SARMs out there. These SARMs can help with building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, and maintaining muscle mass during cutting phases.

This will tell you a little about how they work, and how the alternatives mimic them in a safe way that helps to deliver the same level of results but unlike anabolic steroids.

1. RAD-140

This is one of the most potent muscle building SARMs. It's only really beaten in its potency by S-23. RAD-140 is excellent for enhancing muscle growth and helping you build muscle mass.

You'll achieve lean muscle gains using RAD-140. Sometimes, these can be quite watery muscles, and you lose a little mass at the end of a cycle, but with the SARMs alternatives RADBULK and

TESTOL140 that's not a problem anymore as they don't have much water retention.

There's no testosterone suppression either now. Although it was highly suppressive in the original research chemical formula, now, you can use it to gain incredible bulk risk-free.

2. LGD-4033

Ligandrol is famed for its ability to sculpt and deliver large muscle tone, and protect muscles and even grow them in a calorie deficit, helping you lose weight while maintaining your lean mass.

This makes it a great all-rounder for bulking and cutting. It's the ideal maintenance SARM as well, when you just want to maintain your look and improve your overall body composition.

LIGAN4033 and LIGABULK are two formulations that are superb at recreating the effects of the original research chemical LGD-4033 that produced some pretty bad testosterone dipping side effects.

3. MK-677

MK-677 Ibutamoren is perfect to team up in a stack with RAD-140 because they complement each other well, and have different mechanisms of action in the body. This combination is perfect for stacking SARMs and achieving rapid fat loss and lean muscle gains.

The variant supplements RADBULK and TESTOL 140 are perfect for recreating the effects of this SARM, delivering huge muscle gains, increase vascularity, huge appetite improvements, the promotion of muscle fullness, and even increases in HGH (Human Growth Hormone) levels. They can also help increase bone density.

4. YK-11

YK-11 is another bodybuilding chemical that's gained popularity in recent years, because it's very potent for muscle building, and it doesn't deplete your testosterone, making it an excellent choice for building muscle mass.

YKBULK is a myostatin YK-11 supplement from Brutal Force that closely mimics the output of the original unstable research chemical, to produce something far easier and safer to use. It is a legal alternative to the original YK-11.

YKBULK YK-11 produces insane muscle growth, that is large and dense. You'll feel strong, and be able to power through your workout each and every time, while avoiding muscle pain.

5. MK-2866

When it comes to MK-2866 Ostarine, you got two great supplements to choose from: OSTABULK and OSTA 2866. Both will deliver the output of Ostarine and are legal SARMs supplements.

Ostarine is famed for its ability to protect your gains during calorie deficit. It was designed to help people with osteoporosis and muscle wasting illnesses, and it protected almost all of their muscle tissue even in a severe and prolonged calorie deficit.

That's why Ostarine should be underpinning your cutting stack so that you can protect your hard work.

6. SR-9009

Stenabolic works by changing your circadian rhythm (body clock) in order to speed up your metabolism and fill your body into thinking it needs to provide a lot more energy output.

The end result is that you will melt body fat. It will build energy and stamina levels to the point that they are almost overwhelming, but the fact you will cut, and the strength and endurance you will build will be insane.

STENA 9009 or CUTSR9 will work perfectly to deliver Stenabolic output levels for you. Use it to underpin any cutting bulking stack.

7. GW-501516

Just like SR-9009, Cardarine is used to deliver a significant energy output increase, which helps you to burn more fat, and builds endurance for bulking as well.

Used for years by professional athletes off-label, it helps you to train harder and longer, developing your physique and endurance so that you can perform at the top level indefinitely.

It actually works as a PPAR-delta modulator, which up-regulates metabolism and glucose availability, not as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.

If you use a single SARM in every single best SARMs stack you create, then Cardarine is that supplement.

I've used Cardarine for years, and I'm telling you that even on its own it can really help you, but as part of your SARMs stack over a cycle, it's truly transformational.

CARDALEAN and C-DINE 501516 deliver everything the original Cardarine formula did, but in a safe and natural way.

8. S-4 Andarine

Andarine is the classic muscle harder. It's famed amongst bodybuilders, because after a course of steroids and before a show, they will use a cycle of Andarine to harden and sculpt the muscle tissue to create concrete-like sculpting and density.

Andarine (ANDALEAN) is like Ostarine as well though, just supercharged. That means it has the power to protect your gains in a calorie deficit.

However, unlike Ostarine, it's so strong, it has the ability to build and sculpt muscle, by rerouting your energy to your muscle tissue, even when you are eating in that deficit.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

Recommended SARMs Cycle And Dosing

Dosing SARMs has never been easier with the SARMs supplements I've been talking about here, and which anyone can use with ease. These supplements can help you achieve lean muscle growth and enhance muscle growth.

They all come as capsules. You'll get the exact dosing instructions on each bottle of pills that you buy.

It's really simple to take the pills in the morning or throughout the day as instructed for the different SARMs individually or the premade stacks I recommend you buy.

There are no injections, no liquid to deal with, no loose powder. Just affordable, easy, and potent new-breed SARMs capsules.

So dosing is easily done, but what about your SARMs cycle? How long should it be?

Let's say you're doing a classic SARMs muscle growth stack, consisting of the RAD-140 and MK-677 stack that I talked about earlier.

Because these new safe and legal SARMs are not depleted of testosterone, there's no real limit to the number of different SARMs products you can stack or how long the cycle length can be.

However, I would stick to a cycle of three months. That's 12 weeks of hard work, a good diet, and straining every day to reach your bodybuilding goals. This approach can help you achieve gaining lean muscle mass and increasing bone density.

Then, have eight weeks break. Continue working out naturally and still work hard. Make sure you use a really good quality pre-workout supplement though, to bridge the energy and determination gap SARMs give you.

Usually, in terms of cycle progression, you'll do a bulking cycle, then a cutting cycle, then either a bulking or cutting one, depending on where you want your look to go next.

Are SARMs Legal & Safe To Use In Bodybuilding?

SARMs can be similar to anabolic steroids and the level of results they deliver, but they are targeted in muscle and bone tissue when they are androgenic.

Other research substances and the related natural alternatives that mimic them don't have anabolic issues anyway.

SARMs compounds are only research chemicals, but the supplements developed in relation to them that I've described here, which are widely available from bodybuilding nutrition companies, are fully legal and safe.

Unlike research chemical SARMs, these supplements are legal to sell to humans for the purpose of consumption.

So, when you are buying fromCrazyBulkorBrutal Force, there's simply nothing to worry about here, they are legal and safe to buy and use.

Best SARMs Stacks: Where To Buy SARMs & Steroids Alternatives

I've only mentioned CrazyBulk and Brutal Force as the two places that sell the highest quality SARMs supplements right now.

It's not just because of the exceptional quality of the supplements and the results they will bring you, but it's also the cost effectiveness of what they sell.

There is no dodgy dealing with shady companies who source chemicals in China any more. Those days are gone, you canbuy SARMslegitimately and get potent results.

Let's talk through them both right now, and not only describe what they sell, but how you can save up to 50% when you buy from them.

  1. CrazyBulk

These guys sell really high-quality SARMs and steroid alternatives, which can help you build lean muscle tissue and gain muscle mass. Potent, but always safe to use for the long term.

When buying from either of these companies, do not buy the individual SARMs supplements, because they will cost you more.

Look at what you want to achieve, in terms of goals. Strength building, muscle building, or cutting.

Then pick the stack that fits, and do it for a cycle of 12 weeks.

For example, the SARMs bulking stack they sell will trigger monster muscle growth, torch fat, and deliver energy like you've never experienced. This stack can help you lose body fat and improve your athletic performance.

It consists of the following four SARMs:

  • OSTA 2866
  • LIGAN 4033
  • TESTOL 140
  • IBUTA 677

Four classic and potent muscle building supplements combined, which can contribute to rapid muscle growth and enhancing muscle growth. All you have to do is pop the pills each morning and then work out hard.

Buy three months supply, and you'll get the third month free, allowing you to do the full 12-week program I recommend for the price of two.

On top of that discount, there's always a 20% discount code on the homepage, so take advantage of that.

You'll also get free global shipping. That's right, not a thing to pay, no matter where you are in the world.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

  1. Brutal Force

Brutal Force offers high potency SARMs supplements as alternatives to research chemicals, and they really work well. These supplements can help you reduce body fat and preserve muscle mass.

Again, buy the stacks, don't waste your time on the higher price of the individual supplements.

Let's say you're cutting, so you'll get the following in their cutting stack:

  • CUTSR9

You'll get all the potency of SARMs, but without the harsh chemicals and just relying on fully safe and tested natural ingredients, you'll have no trouble getting extreme fat burning, with muscle protection, and endurance enhancements as well. These supplements can aid in muscle recovery and increasing muscle mass.

Again, when you buy three months supply, the third month will be free. You'll get free global shipping, and there's a coupon code on the front of the site as well to take advantage of.

With prices so low, and with the speed of delivery and quality of the SARMs they supplied, there really is no reason not to give them a try for a cycle and see the results that you can get.


Photo Credit: Reckonsoft

SARMS FAQs & Advice

Let's finish this guide on the best SARMs stack and discussion around the new breed of safe and legal SARMs, with some top SARMs FAQs.

What is the best SARM for bulking?

RAD-140 and MK-677 are both great SARMs for pure bulking. Right behind them are YK-11 and Ligandrol. On top of that, S-23 is another great choice.

Where is the best place to buy SARMs?

The old-style research chemical SARMs are dying. Quality is low, prices high, and risk from using them extreme. My advice is to check out the new legal and safe SARMs we've talked about here instead.

How much fat can I cut with SARMs?

It's possible to cut up to 5 pounds of additional fat with SARMs, when compared to burning fat from natural bodybuilding and diet alone. That's in a cycle of just eight weeks, so it could be as much as eight pounds of fat lost in a full 12 week cycle of SARMs alternatives as I've recommended here, and that I use myself.

Are there any side effects from legal SARMs?

There really are no side effects from legal SARMs. Because they are constructed from completely safe and legal ingredients to closely mimic the effects and output of troublesome research chemical SARMs, there are no side effects to worry about.

Will SARMs show up on a work drug test?

No SARMs will not show up on a work drug test. They are not detected in any drug testing conducted in the USA for domestic or military purposes.

What can I use instead of SARMs?

SARMs are definitely becoming an issue. Supply is drying up, and will never be coming back. The SARMs sellers still out there are struggling with quality. What on earth is in some of these unlicensed research chemicals are made in back alleys now?

The safest alternatives are SARMs and steroid mimicking supplements from CrazyBulk and Brutal Force.

Both of these companies use high-quality safe and natural ingredients to recreate the effects of individual SARMs and steroids, but in a completely safe way, and in a less aggressive manner.

They are not as potent as SARMs and steroids, but they do get similar results in terms of the overall effects, as long as you work out hard, and back it up with cardio and nutrition work over several cycles.
What is the best SARM for strength and endurance?

Pretty much any of the androgenic SARMs will work for strength and endurance gains, because they mimic testosterone in the androgen receptors in bone and muscle tissue.

However, Ostarine is only very mildly androgenic. But with Andarine, Ligandrol, and Testolone you will feel a much stronger strength and endurance response from them being more strongly androgenic.

Alternatives that is non-androgenic are Cardarine and SR-9009. Both change your energy balance, delivering a much higher level of endurance. But they won't increase your strength, just your ability to work out harder and longer, which gives you endurance and will lead to strength gains after a couple of weeks or so.

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