This Article is From Apr 08, 2018

Female Racecar Driver Has A Message For Those Who Say Women Can't Drive

"I was the first lady driver in the history of our team!" she says

Female Racecar Driver Has A Message For Those Who Say Women Can't Drive

Her story will leave you inspired.

Anyone who says or believes that 'women can't drive' or 'women aren't good drivers', this post shared on the Humans of Bombay Facebook page is a must read for you. It details the story of a female racecar driver and will not only help clear any preconceived notions one may have about women drivers but also teach a thing or two about following one's passion.

In the post, the woman explains how she fell in love with the idea of driving. At 16, she sat in the car as her mother learnt to drive and asked the instructor if she could learn to drive as well. However, what really piqued her interest was when her father brought home a bike and taught her how to ride it. "I took a ride around the street and when I came back he told me that a young girl had saluted me when I passed by her; I couldn't believe I had inspired a stranger," she says. She went on to get her driver's license at 18.

When she found out about the college car racing team, she decided to be a part of it. She was among the only five girls in a 75 member team. Eventually, she got selected to participate in a race. "I was the first lady driver in the history of our team!" she says.

She goes on to talk about her experience in the race and even sums up her journey so far. But we'll just let you read her post in its entirety below. Chances are, it'll leave you inspired.

"Love it! I ride a 78 Enfield in Delhi and I hope to show everyone that girls can have fun too! Keep going girl!" says one Facebook user. "Feel proud that a girl, a woman can do anything she wishes to do and your journey really inspires and makes me feel encouraged and excited," says another.Click for more trending news
