This Article is From Feb 13, 2015

11 Things That Only People Who Love to Sleep Can Relate To

11 Things That Only People Who Love to Sleep Can Relate To


Sleep. If this five-letter word makes you warm and fuzzy all over then you know exactly what we mean. Call it a nap, a quick doze or beauty sleep, they all lead to one thing - some shut-eye and lots of sweet dreams. And if you're the kinds who can't keep their eyes open and day dream about their bed, then this list will make your day.


1. The sight of your pillow will instantly warms your innards.

One to hug. One to sleep on. One to throw.


2. Your alarm gives you the heebee jeebees. You have constant dreams of smashing it against the wall.

Serves it right.


3. But it's the countdown that really kills you. Like you know you can only sleep for another 7 hours and 54 minutes ONLY.

I HAVE to sleep.


4. You cannot stand the sight of daybreak.

Thicker curtains please.


5. You wish for more hours in a day every day, only so that you can sleep some more.

It's the best


6. You have designated time slots for things to do on the weekend, one of which is naptime

Maybe the only thing.


7. The smell of freshly laundered sleepwear fills your heart with happiness.

Mine. Only mine.


8. Given a choice between meeting people and taking a nap, you'll always choose the latter.

Move over, friend, I need my pillow.


9. You don't need coffee to make your day better, you need a nap.

That's why I'm cranky.


10. Whether it's the door creaking open, or the silent rustling of the paper, it's all noise to you.

For god's sake, let me sleep.


11. It's a struggle staying awake the first part of the day, and then that afternoon nap looks really good.

Amen to that.
