This Article is From Jan 26, 2022

Kashmir Security Forces Celebrate Republic Day Amid Bone-Chilling Cold

Contingents of various wings of the police and paramilitary forces took part in the march past at the Republic Day function held at Sher-e-Kashmir Cricket Stadium.

Kashmir Security Forces Celebrate Republic Day Amid Bone-Chilling Cold

Kashmir is currently under the grip of the 40-day harshest winter period, known as Chilla-i-Kalan.


Braving inclement weather and bone-chilling cold, contingents of police and paramilitary forces on Wednesday took part in the 73rd Republic Day celebrations amidst tight security arrangements, officials said.

RR Bhatnagar, Advisor to Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor, presided over the Republic Day function which was held at Sher-e-Kashmir Cricket Stadium at high security Sonawar area of the city, the officials said.

The contingents of various wings of the police and paramilitary forces took part in the march past, the officials said.

They said a cultural programme, showcasing the diverse art and culture of the union territory, was performed after the parade.

In his Republic Day address, Mr Bhatnagar lauded the role played by health care workers and other allied personnel in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. He also praised the security forces for maintaining law and order and battling subversive elements in Kashmir.

The advisor also highlighted the infrastructure development initiatives of the administration while outlining the benefits of various social welfare schemes rolled out for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Republic Day celebrations passed off peacefully as stringent security arrangements were put in place to foil any nefarious plots.

Barricades were erected at all major intersections in the city and security forces personnel were deployed in large numbers to maintain peace, law and order.

For the past one week, police with help of Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) have been carrying out area domination and other drills. The security forces also carried out drone surveillance to ensure peaceful celebrations not only in Srinagar but in all district headquarters.

The security forces have been carrying out random frisking of vehicles to prevent the movement of subversive elements while the deployment of security forces around vital installations and sensitive areas in the city was increased.
