This Article is From Mar 22, 2018

Weight Loss Tips: 5 Spices That Can Trigger Weight Loss And Boost Metabolism

Some spices can do wonders for your weight loss. The fat-burning properties of these spices are a good news for everyone who are looking to lose some quick kilos.

Weight Loss Tips: 5 Spices That Can Trigger Weight Loss And Boost Metabolism

India's love for spices needs no introduction. We need them in our curries, gravies, stew and soups. And for all those wondering, that spices are only good for flavouring your food, think again. Take for Instance, turmeric. Turmeric is still one of the most trusted remedy for healing wounds, for our skin and beauty rituals and so much more. Similarly, there are many spices that you can use for a variety of purpose, outside your kitchen. For instance, weight loss. Yes you heard us! Some spices can help boost metabolism.The fat-burning properties of these spices are a good news for everyone who are looking to lose some quick kilos.

Here are some spices that may aid weight loss.

1. Cardamom

A handful of this aromatic spice may help you with your weight loss goals. According to the book 'Healing Foods', "An effective digestive stimulant and diuretic cardamom boosts metabolism and helps the body burn fat more efficiently." You can add some to your morning tea or just chew into two-three pods for best results.

2. Fenugreek

Fenugreek can help suppress food cravings because of its natural fibre content. Fibre makes you feel full, thereby prevent you from over-eating. According to the book, 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing, "The seeds are a good source of mucilaginous (gum-like) fibre that soothes and protects the digestive tract from free-radical damage. Fenugreek can also help boost the metabolism and is a traditional remedy for stimulating the production of breastmilk."

3. Cayenne Pepper

This fiery hot spice is absorbed quickly by the stomach and suppresses hunger. Capsaicin, the active ingredient found in cayenne pepper, red chilli peppers and jalapenos has thermogenic effects which can help burn fat. Make sure you don't go overboard with the fiery spice. A pinch of pepper in your meals, soups and stews should suffice.

4. Cumin or Jeera

Cumin is very low in calories. One tablespoon of jeera has around seven calories. The best way to use cumin for your weight loss plan is by having a glass of cumin water or jeera water daily. This remedy is extremely effective for weight loss. It revs up your metabolism and facilitates burning calories. "Boil a teaspoon of jeera in a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning for best results," shares Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa.

5. Black pepper

Adding black pepper to your regular diet is one of the easiest way to pump up your metabolism. Just a pinch of black of pepper in your meals will help strengthen your metabolism. You can add a pinch of pepper to your haldi doodh. Piperine found in pepper goes well with the curcumin present in turmeric and gives your health a much needed boost.

Make judicious use of the spices and see your belly toning up for yourself.


