This Article is From Apr 04, 2018

Belly Fat In Women May Negatively Impact Their Odds Of Surviving Kidney Cancer

According to a Washington University School of Medicine-study, belly fat may affect the odds of women surviving kidney cancer much differently than those for men.

Belly Fat In Women May Negatively Impact Their Odds Of Surviving Kidney Cancer

Belly fat or abdominal fat in women could be closely linked to the survival rate for women with kidney cancer. According to a Washington University School of Medicine-study, belly fat may affect the odds of women surviving kidney cancer much differently than those for men.

The study found that females with kidney cancer who happened to have substantial abdominal fat at the time of diagnosis died within 3 1/2 years, while more than half of women with little belly fat were still alive 10 years later.

In case of men, the amount of abdominal fat, made relatively lesser difference as far as their survival rate was concerned.

Kidney cancer may develop and progress differently in women than men, revealed the study. Similarly, the fat percentage may have different ranfications in each case.

Men and women have different metabolism. Scientists revealed that the health and nutrition circuit has just begun to study how sex factor in the cancer progression.

Excess weight gain is a major risk factor, and the survival after cancer may be linked to the distribution of body fat, at least for women.

Visceral fat, which lies within the abdomen and encases internal organs, has been associated with diabetes, heart disease and many kinds of cancer.

The visceral fat is difficult to measure, and is way more harmful than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat sits too deep inside the abdomen to be measured accurately with a tape measure around a person's waist.

For the study, the researchers analysed cross-sectional CT scans, which are routinely performed on people newly diagnosed with kidney cancer to measure the size of tumors and to look for metastases.

The study published in the online journal Radiology, analysed CT scan images from 145 men and 77 women with kidney cancer. The scans were drawn from The Cancer Imaging Archive, a collection of demographic, clinical and imaging data on hundreds of cancer patients.

The findings revealed that half of the women with high visceral fat died within 3 and a half years of diagnosis, while more than half of the women with low visceral fat were still alive after 12 years.

For men, scientists found no correlation between visceral fat and length of survival.

A man's healthy metabolism is different from the women,not only in regard to how the fat is carried, but how their cells use glucose, fatty acids and other nutrients, which implies their visceral fat metabolism is also different.

Scientists reveal that the tumor cells prefer sugar as a fuel source. Patients who ha s sweet-tooth should particularly maintain caution as a sugar-hungry tumor typically spells trouble for patients.

It was found that both men and women were less likely to survive if their tumor cells had switched on the genes associated with consuming sugar, or glycolysis. The findings revealed that men whose tumor cells showed low glycolysis happened to survive an average of 9 and half years, while on the other hand those with high-glycolysis tumors survived for only six years on average.

About a quarter of the women had a high amount of visceral fat and tumors whose glycolysis genes were significantly active.

The findings were shocking in the case of women. The data suggested that these women survived only two years after diagnosis on average. But on the other hand, out of 19 women who fell into the low visceral fat and low glycolysis category, none died before the end of the study, which covered a span of 12 years.

Scientists are affirmative of the potential synergy between the patient's visceral fat and the metabolism of their, and that these findings could be a starting point to treat women with kidney cancer better.

Of all fats, belly fat has been considered as one of the most dangerous form of fat accumulation in the body. Several studies in the past have pointed how there is a strong co-relation between belly fat and cardiovascular diseases.

Here are some foods that could help you cut down on belly fat.

1. Green tea

Green tea is a natural antioxidant; it contains seven percent of the active molecule EGCG. Its polyphenols help to speed the metabolism and boost fat-burning during exercising.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant, which helps to rejuvenate the liver and eliminate toxins. You can take it in capsules, sprinkle on food for food or add to hot drinks.

3. Cocoa

Cocoa is high in flavonoids, or plant chemicals that are good for the heart and brain. According to the research conducted by Harvard Medical Schools, it can ward off diseases and help to cut cholesterol. It is said that consuming cocoa aids serotonin production in the brain. This feel-good chemical helps to regulate mood and suppress appetite. You can have a piece or two of dark chocolate as it contains high amount of cocoa.

4. Ajwain seeds

Ajwain helps in digestion and absorption of food. Die to lesser fat storage, it ultimately leads to weight loss. All you need to do is to chew on a spoonful of carom seeds before breakfast. This process will make your body release enough digestive juices to help you digest the breakfast.

Losing weight may look like a big task, but a few exercises, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can help you achieve the desired goal.
