Princess Leia in a still from Star Wars
New Delhi:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....a Jedi knight met a princess with a hairstyle that shouldn't have looked good on anyone but did on her and they met a smart-mouth pilot with a giant furball best friend and, with the help of two robots - one tall, one short - they saved the universe from a Dark Lord and an Evil Empire. As it turns out, they did all that and more again, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens - but thereby hangs another tale. Today, meantime, is Star Wars Day - the first without Princess Leia or R2D2. We lost actors Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker last year, and they are hugely missed.
Here are 10 things only a true Star Wars fan would know - May the Fourth be with you.
1.Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill generally played the fool on set while filming the first film. They only behaved when senior actor Sir Alec Guinness was around.

2.When Harrison Ford found out that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father he said: "I didn't know that. Why the ?#@*!$ didn't you tell me?"

3.R2-D2 and C3PO appear as hieroglyphics in a scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark (also starring Harrison Ford).

4. Han Solo is the only non-Jedi who gets to use a light saber, when he cut open the tauntaun's stomach to keep Luke warm. But he doesn't get his own, he uses Luke's.
5. The gold bikini Carrie Fisher wore as Princess Leia in Return Of The Jedi was a result of the costumes she wore in the first two movies in which, she complained, no one could tell "she was a woman.'

6. Scientists have actually calculated what it would take to build a real Death Star. They concluded that it was possible in theory but would require too much time and money.

7. By the third film, Anthony Daniels was able to get into his C3PO costume in minutes rather than hours.

8. Jabba The Hutt was six people in an animatronic suit.
9. David Prowse and James Earl Jones, the body and voice of Darth Vader, never actually met.

10. Ewan McGregor, who took over from Sir Alec Guinness as the young Obi Wan-Kenobi in the prequel trilogy, made light saber 'noises' all through filming the fights in The Phantom Menace which had to be deleted in post-production. Adam Driver, who joins the new cast in Episode VII, said he wanted to make light saber and R2-D2 noises on set but didn't.
Here are 10 things only a true Star Wars fan would know - May the Fourth be with you.
1.Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill generally played the fool on set while filming the first film. They only behaved when senior actor Sir Alec Guinness was around.

Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill from Star Wars
2.When Harrison Ford found out that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father he said: "I didn't know that. Why the ?#@*!$ didn't you tell me?"

Harrison Ford from Star Wars
3.R2-D2 and C3PO appear as hieroglyphics in a scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark (also starring Harrison Ford).

A scene from Raiders Of The Lost Ark
4. Han Solo is the only non-Jedi who gets to use a light saber, when he cut open the tauntaun's stomach to keep Luke warm. But he doesn't get his own, he uses Luke's.

Han Solo in a scene from Star Wars

Princess Leia from Star Wars
6. Scientists have actually calculated what it would take to build a real Death Star. They concluded that it was possible in theory but would require too much time and money.

A still from Star Wars
7. By the third film, Anthony Daniels was able to get into his C3PO costume in minutes rather than hours.

Anthony Daniels in Star Wars
8. Jabba The Hutt was six people in an animatronic suit.

Jabba The Hutt from Star Wars

David Prowse and James Earl Jones from Star Wars
10. Ewan McGregor, who took over from Sir Alec Guinness as the young Obi Wan-Kenobi in the prequel trilogy, made light saber 'noises' all through filming the fights in The Phantom Menace which had to be deleted in post-production. Adam Driver, who joins the new cast in Episode VII, said he wanted to make light saber and R2-D2 noises on set but didn't.

Liam Neeson in Star Wars
Ewan McGregor in Star Wars