This Article is From May 05, 2012

Dilip Kumar a colossus of Bollywood: Amitabh Bachchan

Dilip Kumar a colossus of Bollywood: Amitabh Bachchan


  • Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who received this year's Dadasaheb Phalke Academy award along with Dilip Kumar, says the veteran is a colossus in the industry.
  • "The high as always, the meeting with Dilip Saheb, Dilip Kumar, Yusuf Khan! It is tough to see a frail idol admired by millions and my favourite, struggle to move and to recognise familiar faces. Though he always does and has recognised mine. But as always even in his frail health, the charm and grace never ending....Dilip Saheb - a colossus! Once and forever," Bachchan posted on his blog.
  • In Pics: Legendary actors meet at Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Awards
  • The 69-year-old actor was also all praises for Kumar's wife Saira Banu for taking care of the yesteryear star so well.
  • "Credit really to Saira ji who has looked after him so well and still does, with great care and devotion," he added Kumar, 89, married actress and beauty queen Saira Banu in 1966 when he was aged 44 and she was 22.
Mumbai: Bollywood megastar AmitabhBachchan, who received this year's Dadasaheb Phalke Academyaward along with Dilip Kumar, says the veteran is a colossusin the industry.

"The high as always, the meeting with Dilip Saheb, DilipKumar, Yusuf Khan! It is tough to see a frail idol admired bymillions and my favourite, struggle to move and to recognisefamiliar faces. Though he always does and has recognised mine.But as always even in his frail health, the charm and gracenever ending....Dilip Saheb - a colossus! Once and forever,"Bachchan posted on his blog.

In Pics:Legendary actors meet at Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Awards

The 69-year-old actor was also all praises for Kumar'swife Saira Banu for taking care of the yesteryear star sowell.

"Credit really to Saira ji who has looked after him sowell and still does, with great care and devotion," he addedKumar, 89, married actress and beauty queen Saira Banu in1966 when he was aged 44 and she was 22.