The last date for submission of the online application and payment through the payment gateway without a late fee is October 18, 2024. However, candidates can submit their online application with a late fee of Rs 600 until October 21. Online corrections in all fields except category/subcategory can be made from October 22 to October 24.
The official notification reads: "The candidates shall be permitted to make online corrections in the following particulars: Candidate name, Father's name, Mother's name, Date of Birth, Candidate photo, Signature, Contact number, Email ID, Gender, Eligibility, Nationality, Correspondence address, Permanent address, Pin code, District, Choice of Examination Center Subdivision."
Schedule of Examination
- JBT TET and Shastri TET: November 15
- TGT (Arts) TET and TGT (Medical) TET: November 17
- TGT (Non-Medical) TET and Language Teacher TET: November 24
- Punjabi TET and Urdu TET: November 26
The exam will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions, each carrying one mark. There will be no negative marking. Unreserved category candidates must score a minimum of 60 per cent to qualify for the exam, while Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes & PHH (including UR) need to score 55 per cent to qualify.
HPTET is a mandatory eligibility examination for recruitment as a teacher in Himachal Pradesh government schools.