CBSE has released the class 10 and 12 board exam date sheet exactly 60 days before the exam. The Board conducts annual class 10, 12 exams every year for close to 30 lakh students. CBSE offers 240 subjects in both the classes and conducts the exam in 30,000 subject combinations.The Board has released guidelines for students that includes the time permitted for the exam and to carry out other formalities of the exam.
CBSE Board Exam Guidelines
Students should reach the exam hall well ahead of the scheduled time
Answer books will be provided to the students between 10 am to 10.15 am
Before the announcement is made to begin answering the question paper, students should only write their particulars on the answer book
After the particulars are filled, the answer book will be checked and signed by Assistant Superintendents
Students will be provided with the question paper at 10.15 am
As per the Board rules, students would be allowed to read the question paper properly before attempting it. Therefore students would be given 15 minutes to read the question paper from 10.15 am to 10.30 am. Within this time, students can plan proper strategy to write the answers
Students would be allowed to write the answers at 10.30 am.
The Board has mentioned the duration of the papers in the date sheet. Students will not be allowed to write beyond the permissible time for each paper.
As per the date sheet released by the Board, the class 10 exams will be held from February 15 till March 20 and class 12 exams will be held from February 15 till March 30. The practical exams would be held from January 1, 2020 to February 7, 2020.
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