This Article is From Apr 04, 2010

Here comes the 'Russian' Lavni

Sangli: Maharashtra's Lavni, like most folk dance forms, is grappling with dwindling audiences. So in an attempt to woo them back, one group in Nasik has got a Russian dancer as a star act.

A Russian dancer providing the 'foreign' element is enough to mesmerise audiences in Sangli. It might not be the best Lavni, but by far the most novel.

Ironically, Kathy, the Russian dancer, was roped in by a local theatre company to attract Marathi manoos.

"We have brought Russian dancer Kathy specially from Russia. We are hoping that it will attract people. We wanted families to be able to come and enjoy this. Husbands could bring their wives and children to watch it," says Shantaram Manave of Abhinav Mumbai Theatre Company.

"I am really enjoy(ing) and excited in every show because I want to see the expression of the Marathi people, " says Kathy.

Kathy, who doesn't speak a word of Hindi or Marathi, has been practising the moves for over two months.

Teaching her are locals like Lavni dancer Kavita Ghadhshi.

"We speak very little English so we would repeat each step four to five times for her to pick up and to show her the facial expressions. With her we've learnt a little bit of English," says Kavita.

At a time when Bollywood and television have taken audiences away from this folk art, Kathy's show has managed to boost revenues for at least this theatre company.

Kathy says she's enjoying the rural experience and plans to continue, at least till the audiences continue paying to watch her.