This Article is From Jun 12, 2023

Are Artificial Sweeteners Really A Healthy Alternative For Sugar?

In this article, we discuss some of the common adverse effects of consuming artificial sweeteners.

Are Artificial Sweeteners Really A Healthy Alternative For Sugar?

Regular consumption of artificial sweeteners can increase risk of various conditions

Artificial sweeteners have been widely used as a sugar substitute in recent years, mainly to reduce calorie intake and weight loss. However, there has been a debate about their safety and whether they can be worse than sugar for our health. Artificial sweeteners are compounds that are synthetically produced to taste sweet without providing any calories.

Some of the most common artificial sweeteners include aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and neotame. To better understand how these sweeteners can affect our health, let's discuss the many effects of consuming artificial sweeteners.

9 Ways in which artificial sweeteners negatively affect your health:

1. Increase in cravings

Artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar, which means that they can trick the brain into thinking that it has consumed more calories than it has. This can cause an increase in hunger and cravings, leading to overeating and potentially weight gain.

2. Negative impact on gut health

One concern about artificial sweeteners is their potential impact on our gut health. Recent research has shown that they can alter the composition of gut bacteria, leading to glucose intolerance and obesity. A study on mice showed that the artificial sweetener disrupted the gut microbiota and increased blood sugar levels in the mice.

3. Linked to cancer

While artificial sweeteners have been approved by the government, there have been concerns about their link to cancer. Studies have shown that some artificial sweeteners may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, although the evidence is inconclusive.

4. Increased risk of type-2 diabetes

Artificial sweeteners have also been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. One study found that consuming diet sodas, which contain artificial sweeteners, was associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in individuals who were overweight or obese. This could be partly because artificial sweeteners lead to glucose intolerance, which is a precursor to diabetes.

5. Increase in acidity

Artificial sweeteners can make the body more acidic, leading to several health problems including osteoporosis, joint pain, and even kidney damage.

6. Effect on the brain

There is research that suggests that artificial sweeteners can have negative effects on the brain. Studies have found that consuming artificial sweeteners can alter the reward centers in the brain and increase the desire for sweet foods.

7. Hidden calories

While artificial sweeteners may have zero calories, the products that contain them often have additional calories from other ingredients, which can contribute to weight gain.

8. Presence of processed foods

Many processed foods contain artificial sweeteners, which can make it difficult to avoid them altogether, even for those with dietary restrictions.

9. Impact on taste buds

Regular consumption of artificial sweeteners can desensitize taste buds, making it difficult to enjoy natural sources of sweetness and leading to a preference for more and more artificial sweeteners.

In conclusion, artificial sweeteners may not be as safe as they were once thought to be. They have been linked to a range of potential health problems. While more research is needed to fully understand the impact of artificial sweeteners on our health, it is clear that they should be consumed in moderation to avoid potential negative effects.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
