This Article is From Mar 04, 2020

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) For Diabetes: Know How They Work

Ajwain or carom seeds are known to benefit digestion and reducing gas and flatulence. But did you know that ajwain can also help in blood sugar regulation? Read here to know how it helps in diabetes management.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) For Diabetes: Know How They Work

Ajwain can hep in improving gut health


  • Ajwain is an age-old remedy for indigestion
  • It can reduce stomach pain
  • Drinking ajwain water regularly can benefit your digestion

Carom seeds or ajwain are famous for curing indigestion and gassiness. But, you will be surprised to know that carom seeds can do much more than just improve indigestion. From boosting metabolism to improving immunity, there are many health benefits of ajwain. Ajwain has a pungent flavour. In order to treat gas and indigestion, you need to chew half a tsp of ajwain seeds with a pinch of salt. Drink warm water alongside and it can result in lesser gas within minutes. Keep reading to know many more health benefits of this common kitchen ingredient.

Ajwain for diabetes: Health benefits of carom seeds you cannot miss

Apart from gas, ajwain seeds can also help in getting relief from acidity, flatulence and bloating. In one of his recent IGTVs, lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho talks about ajwain seeds and how they can benefit you.

1. Ajwain is great for people with diabetes

Drinking ajwain tea after meals can be beneficial for people with diabetes, Coutinho informs in the video. To prepare ajwain tea, you need a tsp of ajwain, a tbsp of sauf (fennel seeds), and one-fourth tbsp of cinnamon powder. Add all these ingredients in warm water and brew the tea. Consume it around 45 minutes after you have your meals. "People have a reported with a drop in their blood sugar levels," Coutinho says in the video.

2. It can help you get rid of indigestion issues

Not just acidity, gas and bloating, but ajwains seeds can also help in relieving stomach pain. 1. Chewing ajwain seeds can help in reducing acidity.

3. It can improve digestion

Boiling ajwain seeds in water can help in secreting more digestive enzymes and stomach acids to break down our food. Add a tsp of ajwain seeds in boling water for this. It can be especially helpful for those who find it difficult to chew carom seeds because of their pungent and slightly spicy taste. Mix ajwain (1/2 tsp), jeera (1 tbsp) and sauf (1 tbsp) in water and store it. Drinking this concoction can be great for your digestion. It relaxes your stomach acids and digestive system and helps you secrete lesser gas and flatulence. It is also very relaxing for your intestinal walls.


Chewing ajwain seeds can reducing bloating and gassiness
Photo Credit: iStock

4. They can be beneficial for children with colic

If your child experiences colic (severe pain in the abdomen caused by wind or obstruction in the intestines and suffered especially by babies), then you can give him/her ajwain water or a few ajwain seeds to chew.

5. Can help in deworming

Mix ajwain (1 tsp) with a little bit of jaggery (1 tbsp). The mixture is a common remedy for deworming children as well as adult. Jaggery attracts the worm to come out and ajwain gets mixed with stomach acid and helps in killing worms.

6. Can help people with asthma

You can add honey to ajwain tea and get relief from asthma symptoms. It can help in reducing cough and congestion.

7. Boost immunity

Anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of ajwain can improve gut health and boost immunity.

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach - Integrative Medicine)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
