This Article is From Jan 30, 2019

Screen Time Ahead Of Bedtime May Hamper Your Sleep: Eat These Sleep-Inducing Foods

According to a recent study, published in the journal Environment International, spending time using mobile phones and watching TV in a dark room ahead of bedtime may end up sabotaging your sleep.

Screen Time Ahead Of Bedtime May Hamper Your Sleep: Eat These Sleep-Inducing Foods

According to a recent study, published in the journal Environment International, spending time using mobile phones and watching TV in a dark room ahead of bedtime may end up sabotaging your sleep. In previous studies, lack of sleep was linked to impaired immune responses, anxiety, depression, and obesity in children and adolescents. Now, in the recent study, researchers found a close association between night-time use of phones and laptops with poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep, and poor perceived quality of life.

"While previous research has shown a link between screen use and the quality and length of young people's sleep, ours is the first study to show how room lighting can further influence this," said lead author Michael Mireku from the University of Lincoln in the UK.

For the study, the researchers collected data from 6,616 adolescents aged between 11 and 12 years. Out of these, more than 70 percent of participants reported using at least one screen-based device within one hour of their bedtime. The participants were then asked to self-report their device use in both darkened and lit rooms. Apart from this, they were also asked to report three things: their weekday and weekend bedtimes, how difficult they found it to go to sleep, and their wake up times.

As per the findings of the study, those who used a phone or watched television in a room with a light on were 31 percent and were more likely to get less sleep, in comparison to those who didn't use a screen. If the same activity took place in the dark, the likelihood of the same increased to 147 percent.

In order to maintain physical and mental development, it is important to get healthy and sound sleep every day.


Here is a list of three foods that may help induce sleep:


According to the book, 'The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies' by Dr. Vasant Lad, cherries are 'good mental fatigue and stress.' This humble fruit contains melatonin that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle.


Almonds contain tryptophan, which has soothing effects on brain and nerves. A handful of soaked almonds daily can come to great help getting a sound sleep.

Chamomile Tea

According to the book, 'The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies' by Dr. Vasant Lad, "Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on nerves and helps induce sleep." Apigenin is a flavonoid present in chamomile tea that is known to have sedative properties.

If you've been having sleeping issues, then consumption of these foods and drink might help. Make sure you consult your doctor before adding any food to your diet. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

