This Article is From Sep 01, 2023

Is Your Salad Not Turning Out Well? Here's What You Might Be Doing Wrong

Struggling to achieve restaurant-style flavours when making salad at home? Find out how to make them perfectly using these tips.

Is Your Salad Not Turning Out Well? Here's What You Might Be Doing Wrong

Salad is loaded with all the essential nutrients.

Eating salads is one of the best ways to load up on all the essential nutrients. While many people find it boring and fret at the idea of having one, others can't stop experimenting with different salad recipes. If you fall into the latter category, you're at the right place. Salad lovers would agree that a perfect balance of flavour and texture is what makes a salad taste good. This is primarily the reason why they end up loving it so much. It's all about balancing health and taste. However, when trying to make it at home, we may struggle to achieve restaurant-style flavours. Wondering what you could be doing wrong? Let's find out below:
Also Read: 5 Basic Tricks To Prevent Your Bowl Of Salad From Turning Soggy


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Here Are 5 Mistakes To Avoid While Making Salads:

1. Not washing and drying your greens:

More often than not, we end up skipping washing the lettuce we just bought from the market, thinking it's already clean. However, it tends to have a lot of bacteria and should be washed nicely before you start making your salad. That's not all, drying them is equally important, as this prevents them from becoming soggy. You can let them dry naturally or even keep them wrapped in a cloth for some time so that all the excess moisture gets absorbed.

2. You go overboard with the dressing:

The popular phrase "less is always more" holds true when adding dressing to your salad. Adding too much of any dressing, whether it's a cheese-based one or something like honey mustard, can tend to weigh down your delicate greens. Just a little bit of dressing will go a long way when it comes to adding flavour to your salad. Also, never add dressing directly on top of your veggies. It's always a better idea to drizzle it on the sides and then gently toss it with your hands.

3. Skipping on the protein:

There's a common misperception that a salad is all about greens. Our focus is only on adding greens and dressing, whereas we forget that protein plays an equally important role. Be it paneer, egg, or chicken, adding some protein to your salad makes it a lot more wholesome and satisfying. Eating a salad that only has greens will, of course, be quite boring. So, make sure to add protein to it and make it fun and flavourful.
Also Read: Weight Loss Salads: 3 Key Tips For Healthy Dressings, Veggies And Toppings


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4. Using only raw vegetables:

If you only make your salad using raw vegetables, it's time to stop doing so. Sure, veggies like tomatoes and crunchy cucumbers make it taste super refreshing. But if you have leftover grilled veggies or meat lying around, do not hesitate to add them to your salad. They will help add additional flavour and texture to it, enhancing its overall taste. Make sure to slightly warm them before adding them, and then toss them with the dressing as usual.

5. You don't toss it well:

Your salad will taste good only if all the ingredients are coated well with the dressing. For this, you must pay attention to the way you toss it. Most people use a tong or perhaps a spoon to toss their salad, but in fact, using your hands is a better option as it makes the salad airier instead of dense. It also allows for better absorption of flavours. Tossing your salad in a hurry is never a good idea, as it won't give you the desired results.


Photo Credit: iStock

So, the next time you make a salad at home, keep these easy tips in mind to make it just like the ones you get at a restaurant. Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below.
