This Article is From Aug 25, 2018

Heart Healthy Diet May Cut Belly Fat: 5 Foods You Should Include In Your Diet Today

A diet rich in fibre and low in saturated fats could not only help you keep your heat strong but shed belly fat too.

Heart Healthy Diet May Cut Belly Fat: 5 Foods You Should Include In Your Diet Today

A heart-healthy diet may be the way to a slimmer waistline, suggests a new study. A diet rich in fibre and low in saturated fats could not only help you keep your heat strong but shed belly fat too, revealed a new study published in Health and Fitness Journal. While dieting may help fight abdominal obesity, but the ones touted on the internet including intermittent fasting, high-protein diets, the "Paleo" diet, and green tea, all lack high-quality evidence. None of them has shown to be more effective than other types of energy-restricted (reduced-calorie) diets, the researchers said.

"There is still no miracle diet, food, nutrient, or bioactive component that will target abdominal fat," said Kari D. Pilolla, from the California Polytechnic State University. 

A heart-healthy diet high in fibre and low in saturated fats is a great way to prevent and reduce abdominal obesity, Pilolla said. A modern urban diet is typically filled with trans and saturated fats, which can go on clogging arteries. These fats give way to empty calories that add to weight gain too. 

Lower intake of trans and saturated fats and higher intake of fibre appeared to be helpful in reducing or preventing abdominal obesity.

"These recommendations are consistent with heart-healthy diets like the (US) NIH-developed Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean-style diet," Pilolla said. 

A larger waist circumference has been known to increases risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. These risks are mainly related to visceral adipose tissue -- fat stored below the abdominal muscles, surrounding the major internal organs. Visceral adipose tissue appears to be more "metabolically active" than subcutaneous fat, stored under the skin but above the abdominal muscles.

The researchers said that health and fitness professionals should encourage their patients to monitor abdominal obesity, this would help tejm assess and evaluate their cardiometabolic health risks better. 

Here are five foods you must include in your daily diet to boost heart health and promote weight loss. 

1. Oats: Oats are known to contain a type of fiber that helps bind bile acids and expel them from the body. These bile acids are made from cholesterol. A diet that includes oats is effective in lowering the cholesterol levels in our body.Oats are full of fibre and protein that induce satiety and promote weight loss. 

2. Nuts: Munching on a handful of nuts can do wonders for your heart. These nuts have high amounts of unsaturated fats that are good for your heart as they help in reducing the inflammation of the arteries. Ditch your saturated fats for these healthy fats. 

3. Legumes: Legumes are great for the heart and have antioxidants, proteins and fiber. Fibre takes the longest to digest. By delaying the digestion, it keeps you full for long, thus preventing you to binge on fattening foods. 

4. Berries: Berries are full of heart-healthy phytonutrients and lots of soluble fiber. Make a quick smoothie or sprinkle them over your breakfast cereal. 

5. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and phytoestogens and all of these help in boosting heart health. It is best to soak or grind flaxseeds before consuming them to derive maximum health benefits. 
(With Inputs IANS) 
