This Article is From Aug 14, 2017

Are you a Social Smoker? Here are 6 Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

Smokers are known to suffer from various ailments, but despite knowing the fact, it is difficult for them to kick the butt. Some people also turn to social smoking so that the hazardous effects of tobacco don't harm them.

Are you a Social Smoker? Here are 6 Natural Ways to Quit Smoking


  • Smokers are known to suffer from various ailments
  • It is imperative to understand that social smoking is as bad as smoking
  • To curb this habit, a smoker needs to have an ecosystem of support
Smokers are known to suffer from various ailments, but despite knowing the fact, it is difficult for them to kick the butt. Some people also turn to social smoking so that the hazardous effects of tobacco don't harm them. Social smoker means an individual who does not smoke cigarettes on a daily basis but who smokes in certain social situations from time to time. However, it is imperative to understand that social smoking is as bad as smoking on a daily basis.

To curb this habit of smoking, a smoker needs to have an ecosystem of support, guidance, discipline and the right kind of mentoring. According to a report by World Health Organisation, tobacco kills more than 7 million people every year around the world. While it is not completely impossible to help smokers get rid of this habit, it sure is a strenuous task. Here are some natural ways through which one can get rid of smoking -

1. Harar/Harad

Harad or Harar are of two types, one is big sized and brown in colour and the other is small sized and black in colour. Use the black and small sized harar and soak it in water for a few hours before keeping it in your mouth for at least 5-10 minutes whenever you feel like smoking.

2. Licorice Stick

One of the best and most reliable home remedy is to chew on licorice stick whenever you have the urge to smoke. It makes for a great substitute for a smoke.

3. Ginseng

Add ginseng powder to your breakfast. It effectively helps to prevent the release of dopamine, one of the main components found in nicotine. It also helps the body to deal with physical and emotional stress while withdrawing from the habit.

4. Dalchini and Honey

Take some dalchini powder and mix half teaspoon of honey and have it with water at least 2-3 times a day to reduce the urge to smoke.

5. Dried Ginger and Lemon

Ginger has sulphur compounds that help in reducing the addiction of tobacco. All you need to do is to soak small pieces of ginger with lemon juice and mix it with black pepper and store in a container. Just suck a piece of ginger whenever you have the urge to smoke.

6. Drink Plenty of Liquids

Drink plenty of water during the first three days of quitting, as it will help in flushing out nicotine faster. Milder forms of green tea are also very helpful. Avoid black tea and coffee during the quitting process.

