This Article is From Aug 03, 2017

Apart from Flossing Your Teeth Regularly, Eat these Foods to Keep them Healthy

Dental hygiene is an important aspect of oral health. Experts suggest that you must change your tooth brush every three to four months and also floss your teeth regularly to keep them healthy and shiny.

Apart from Flossing Your Teeth Regularly, Eat these Foods to Keep them Healthy


  • Dental hygiene is an important aspect of oral health
  • You must eat proper diet enriched with vitamin C rich foods and calcium
  • You must eat plenty of fibrous foods and those that have more roughage
Dental hygiene is an important aspect of oral health. Experts suggest that you must change your tooth brush every three to four months and also floss your teeth regularly to keep them healthy and shiny. They also suggest that eating proper diet enriched with vitamin C rich foods and calcium along with seasonal fruits and vegetables is essential. Dr. Munish Bhagirath from Paramount Dental Care in Delhi, advices, "You must have plenty of fibrous foods and those that have more roughage. Avoid foods that are sugary and contain starch that become the sole reason for discoloration of teeth as they provide the ideal environment for the bacteria to thrive." Here are six other foods you must include in your daily diet to for sparkly white teeth.

1. Apples

Apples are a rich source of fiber and are full of water. Both act as cleansing agents for your teeth. It also contains malic acid that boosts saliva production which further helps in removing bacteria from your mouth.

2. Cheese

Cheese is a great source of calcium, phosphorus and protein that make your teeth whiter and stronger, protecting them from decay. It is also known to protect that enamel that tends to deplete with age.

3. Strawberry

Strawberry consists of numerous antioxidants that keep your teeth healthy and maintain overall oral hygiene. The ascorbic acid in the fruit can actually help in providing a brightening effect. It also inhibits bacterial growth due to the presence of polyphenols.

4. Carrot

Crunchy raw carrot forces you to chew more than any other normal food. Chewing stimulates saliva production and helps neutralize acids and enzymes in your mouth that can damage your enamel.

5. Spinach

Spinach has a generous amount of magnesium that helps in building the enamel. The iron content helps in polishing your teeth, preventing stains and protects against acid erosion.

6. Nuts and seeds

Slightly abrasive in nature, nuts and seeds help in removing plaque and stains from your teeth. The essential oils in them also make your teeth stronger. Walnuts and flax seeds are the best when it comes to keeping your gums away from diseases.


