This Article is From Jul 11, 2012

Lily Allen subjected to twitter abuse

 Lily Allen subjected to twitter abuse


  • Lily Allen has been subjected to a stream of abuse after she reported a soldier for racism on twitter yesterday (10.07.12).
  • The 27-year-old singer - who is currently pregnant with her second child with husband Sam Cooper - reported 20-year-old Harry Wilson to the Ministry of Defence after he tweeted her saying: "just seen you bought s*** I mean adopted a child from Africa (sic)" and has since been tweeted by people calling her a "coke head" and a "stuck up wee cow".
  • Suzanne Fraser - a 23-year-old woman from Glasgow who tweets under the name @suzanne_x - wrote: "you are a disgrace, you kept you job when you were full of drugs & cocaine with kate moss ya stuck up wee cow!! KARMA!! (sic)"
  • According to reports the army want to discharge Harry, and Steve Allison called her a "coke head b*****d" for reporting him.
  • Tweeting under the name @steveallison4, he wrote: "Harry been told the top dogs in the army want him discharged! @lilyrosecooper a hope ur f***in happy ya coke head bastard‪ #harrysnotaracist (sic)"
  • Commenting on the twitter trolls and her re-tweets of the abuse she has received, Lily wrote: "Just a few examples of the drivel I'm being subjected to for reporting that guy yesterday. (sic)"
  • A spokesperson for the army yesterday said: "Racism of any kind is completely unacceptable and the army has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of harassment and discrimination."
Los Angeles: Lily Allen has been subjected to a stream of abuse after she reported a soldier for racism on twitter yesterday (10.07.12).

The 27-year-old singer - who is currently pregnant with her second child with husband Sam Cooper - reported 20-year-old Harry Wilson to the Ministry of Defence after he tweeted her saying: "just seen you bought s*** I mean adopted a child from Africa (sic)" and has since been tweeted by people calling her a "coke head" and a "stuck up wee cow".

Suzanne Fraser - a 23-year-old woman from Glasgow who tweets under the name @suzanne_x - wrote: "you are a disgrace, you kept you job when you were full of drugs & cocaine with kate moss ya stuck up wee cow!! KARMA!! (sic)"

According to reports the army want to discharge Harry, and Steve Allison called her a "coke head b*****d" for reporting him.

Tweeting under the name @steveallison4, he wrote: "Harry been told the top dogs in the army want him discharged! @lilyrosecooper a hope ur f***in happy ya coke head bastard‪ #harrysnotaracist (sic)"

Commenting on the twitter trolls and her re-tweets of the abuse she has received, Lily wrote: "Just a few examples of the drivel I'm being subjected to for reporting that guy yesterday. (sic)"

A spokesperson for the army yesterday said: "Racism of any kind is completely unacceptable and the army has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of harassment and discrimination."
