Khushi Kapoor is currently promoting her upcoming film Loveyapa, which also marks her theatrical debut in Bollywood. Coming from a long line of Bollywood stars in the family, Khushi is often pitted against her sister Janhvi, who made her debut in 2018 with Dhadak. But is there any jealousy or sibling rivalry between the two?
"That thought is so foreign to both of us. I think it's so strange to think that we could be competing at all," Khushi shared while promoting the movie, dismissing any rivalry with her sister.
Khushi even shared that she goes to Janhvi for advice that guides her ahead. "I mean, I definitely go to her and Dad for advice the most. I don't think I would make any decision without their approval," she shared.
Khushi also divulged that Janhvi is not just her go-to person for career advice, but is also her stylist. "Whether it's something small or big, even when it comes to my styling, she's literally in my group with my stylist. It's me, Janhvi, and my stylist literally deciding, you know, this outfit. We'll send her pictures, and she'll help me choose," Khushi added.
Further dissing reports of any jealousy or rivalry between them, the Archies actress also said, "She's very involved in every aspect of my life, especially because I'm so new, and I feel like there's so much experience that you have to learn from. She wants me to learn from her success, learn from her mistakes, and kind of move forward."
Coming to her upcoming film, Loveyapa is directed by Advait Chandan and also stars Junaid Khan, who is also making his theatrical debut with this movie. The film is slated to hit theatres on February 7.