Candidates who clear the Mains exam need to fill out the DAF (Detailed Application Form) to participate in the personality test. The schedule for the personality test (interview) will be announced later.
UPSC Mains Result 2024: Steps To Check Results
- Go to the official website of UPSC at upsc.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on "UPSC Civil Services Mains Result 2024"
- You will be redirected to a new page
- A fresh PDF document of the results will be available for candidates
- Check and download the result
- Take a printout for future reference
UPSC Exam Pattern
Preliminary Exam
The exam comprises two compulsory papers, each carrying 200 marks. Both papers are objective type (multiple-choice questions) and are two hours long. General Studies Paper-II is a qualifying paper with a fixed minimum qualifying mark of 33%. The question papers are set in both Hindi and English.
Main Examination
The written examination includes qualifying papers and those counted for merit. The qualifying papers are:
Paper-A (Indian Language)
Paper-B (English)
Both papers carry 300 marks each.
Papers counted for merit include:
General Studies-I
General Studies-II
General Studies-III
General Studies-IV
Optional Subject (Paper-I and Paper-II)
Each of these carries 250 marks.
The Interview/Personality Test is worth 275 marks and has no minimum qualifying marks. Candidates who meet the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination will be called for the interview/personality test.