The round 2 seat allotment list is based on the preferences selected by candidates. Those who have been allotted seats can finalise their online admissions by July 2 at 5pm. They need to pay the counseling fees and upload the required documents.
JOSAA Counselling 2024: Steps To Check
- Go to the official JoSAA website - josaa.nic.in.
- Select link titled "View Seat Allotment Result-Round 2, in the candidate activity board
- Enter your application number, password, and security pin as new page opens
- Submit the details.
- The results will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and save a copy of the allotment result for future reference.
Candidates must pay the fees and upload the documents from June 27 to July 1. The last date to make fee payment is July 1, and submit responses to queries by July 3.
If candidates unable to pay the seat acceptance fee by the deadline, their allocated seat will be canceled, and they will not be considered for seat allocation in the next round. Additionally, if documents are not uploaded within the deadline, even if the seat acceptance fee has been paid using the prepayment provision, the allotted seat will be canceled.
Candidates can withdraw their seats or exit from the allocation process between June 28 and July 2. The results for the third seat allotment will be released on July 4.