This Article is From Dec 31, 2015

Whole Country Is Watching Us, Says Delhi Government About Odd-Even Trial

Whole Country Is Watching Us, Says Delhi Government About Odd-Even Trial

Delhi transport minister Gopal Rai

New Delhi:

Delhi transport minister Gopal Rai spoke on the protest by government officers just a day before the Odd-Even trial run for vehicles in Delhi. Here are highlights from his address:

  • During the Jan Lokpal Andolan we saw how the Congress government arrested Anna Hazare and his team.
  • Everyone thought the movement was over. But it gave birth to a people's movement.
  • Today we have similar circumstances. Government is moving towards a big decision to curb pollution.
  • People are with the government but officers went on mass leave to affect the Odd Even Rule.
  • Most buses had been given permits, but now pressure is being built on them not to ply on the roads tomorrow. Rumours are being spread.
  • We have seen many conspiracies before. We will give a befitting reply.
  • First Congress did it unsuccessfully, now BJP is doing it.
  • I want to tell BJP, if you want Delhi to be pollution free. It will be as much your win as much as it will be your loss. This movement is for the people.
  • We have made necessary arrangements.
  • Frequency of Metro services will be increased.
  • On the law and order problem, the CISF has written to MHA. Local police will coordinate Law and Order with Metro authorities.
  • 3,000 buses target-registration was completed last night. 1,800 are school buses. 1,200 private buses.
  • 1,000 DTC buses which work part-time for schools. They will also ply full time on the roads.
  • 18-20 lakh people can avail services of buses.
  • Offices, business, houses, RWAs, private organisations - in 90 per cent of places, people have made lists for car pooling.
  • For people coming from Noida to Gurgaon and vice versa, we are starting special buses. 60 buses will do this shuttle.
  • Even within Delhi we are starting special buses to go from Delhi to Gurgaon and Delhi to Noida.
  • I want to thank Twitter. They have given out details of the info, for people to access details of these services.
  • Challan will be done once. But the cars will be warned multiple times if they are caught.
  • Metro is setting up 29 teams to monitor this system. DTC will also set up such teams
  • 200 teams of civil defence will be deployed. They will be volunteers carrying placards about the rules. They will not stop any cars. But will give flowers to violates at red lights.
  • Traffic police will be at 200 spots. They will be deployed at different areas (not red lights) to challan people.
  • 50 teams of transport department will also have powers to challan.
  • 40 SDMs will also have power to challan violators.
  • Environment department has set up teams to monitor pollution.
  • 20 manual machines to be used to check pollution.
  • There is a special van, which has been set up to monitor the levels.
  • Delhi Govt Helplines for Odd-Even Trial : 011-42400400 and 011- 41400400, tweet @transportdelhi if you have problems.
  • BJP and Congress have an old mindset. They have to reinvent to face new challenge.
    When we met L-G and Home Ministry, they were all positive. First BJP was silent, when they started criticising, then problems started.
  • Both BJP and Central Government ministers in Delhi live with family. They are stuck between family and party agenda.
  • Gopal Rai will car pool with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to reach secretariat tomorrow.