This Article is From May 15, 2009

India can be hub of regional prosperity: US


India, a country of massive and expanding middle class with its economy projected to grow at five per cent per annum, can be a hub of regional prosperity, a top US diplomat has said.

Robert C Blake, who is slated to become the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, also told a Congressional panel that Obama administration will seek an expanded strategic partnership with India, which provides "vital export opportunities".

"As we seek to revive US economic growth, India provides vital export opportunities. US exports to India have increased from $5 billion in 2003 to almost $19 billion in 2008," he said in his written testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"India, with its vibrant democracy and rapidly expanding economy, can be an anchor of stability and opportunity for South and Central Asia," Blake, who till recently was the US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, said.

As the world's largest democracy, India combats the dangerous misconception of some leaders in the region that democracy impedes economic development, he said.

"In addition to our shared democratic values, we have common interests in combating terrorism, stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction, getting the global economy back on track, addressing global climate change, and reinvigorating global trade talks," Blake added said.
